EasyNetQ by Mike Hadlow,Michael Denny,Yury Pliner,Wiebe Tijsma,Contributors (see GitHub repo)

<PackageReference Include="EasyNetQ" Version="6.2.0" />

.NET API 429,568 bytes


Namespace with 106 public types


 AdvancedBusEventHandlers Represents a handler container for events available in .
 BlockedEventArgs The arguments of Blocked event
 ConnectedEventArgs Arguments of Connected event
 ConnectionConfiguration Contains various settings of a connection and more
 DeadLetterExchangeAndMessageTtlScheduler Scheduler based on DLE and Message TTL
 DefaultRpc Default implementation of EasyNetQ's request-response pattern
 DefaultSendReceive Default implementation of EasyNetQ's send-receive pattern
 DelayedExchangeScheduler Scheduler based on delayed exchange
 DisconnectedEventArgs Arguments of Disconnected event
 HostConfiguration Represents a host configuration
 MessageProperties Represents various properties of a message
 MessageReceivedInfo Represents various properties of a received message


 ConsumedMessage Represents a consumed message
 ProducedMessage Represents a publishing message
 PullBatchResult`1 The result of a pull batch operation
 PullingConsumerOptions Represent pulling consumer options
 PullResult Represents a result of a message pull
 PullResult`1 Represents a result of a message pull
 QueueStats Represents queue stats
 SerializedMessage Represents a serialized message

 Static Classes

 AdvancedBusExtensions Various extensions for IAdvancedBus
 ConsumerConfigurationExtensions Various extensions for IConsumerConfiguration
 DelayedExchangeExtensions Extensions related to using delayed exchange
 ExchangeDeclareConfigurationExtensions Various extensions for IExchangeDeclareConfiguration
 MessageFactory Creates a generic and returns it casted as so it can be used in scenarios where we only have a runtime available.
 NonGenericPubSubExtensions Various extensions for IPubSub
 NonGenericRpcExtensions Various extensions for IRpc
 NonGenericSchedulerExtensions Various extensions for IScheduler
 NonGenericSendReceiveExtensions Various extensions for ISendReceive
 PubSubExtensions Various extensions for IPubSub
 PullingConsumerExtensions Various extensions for IPullingConsumer
 QueueDeclareConfigurationExtensions Various extensions for IQueueDeclareConfiguration
 QueueMode Represents a queue mode
 QueueType Represents a queue type
 RabbitHutch Static methods to create EasyNetQ core APIs.
 ReceiveRegistrationExtensions Various extensions for IReceiveRegistration
 RpcExtensions Various extensions for IRpc
 SchedulerExtensions Various extensions for IScheduler
 SendReceiveExtensions Various extensions for ISendReceive
 ServiceRegisterExtensions Registers the EasyNetQ components


 IAdvancedBus IAdvancedBus is a lower level API than IBus which gives you fined grained control of routing topology, but keeping the EasyNetQ serialization, persistent connection, error handling and subscription thread.
 IBus Provides a simple Publish/Subscribe, Request/Response, Send/Receive and Delayed Publish API for a message bus.
 IConsumerConfiguration Allows consumer configuration to be fluently extended without adding overloads to IBus e.g. x => x.WithPrefetchCount(42)
 IConventions Represents various naming conventions
 ICorrelationIdGenerationStrategy A strategy of generation a correlation identifier
 IEventBus An internal pub-sub bus to distribute events within EasyNetQ
 IExchangeDeclareConfiguration Allows exchange configuration to be fluently extended without adding overloads e.g. x => x.AsDurable(true)
 IFuturePublishConfiguration Allows future publish configuration to be fluently extended without adding overloads e.g. x => x.WithTopic("*.brighton").WithPriority(2)
 IMessageSerializationStrategy The message serialization strategy
 IPersistentConnection An abstraction on top of connection which manages its persistence and allows to open channels
 IPublishConfiguration Allows publish configuration to be fluently extended without adding overloads e.g. x => x.WithTopic("*.brighton").WithPriority(2)
 IPubSub An abstraction for pub-sub pattern
 IPullingConsumer`1 Allows to receive messages by pulling them one by one
 IPullingConsumerFactory A factory of pulling consumer
 IPullResult Represents a result of a pull
 IQueueDeclareConfiguration Allows queue declaration configuration to be fluently extended without adding overloads to IBus e.g. x => x.WithMaxPriority(42)
 IReceiveRegistration Allow to add multiple asynchronous message handlers
 IRequestConfiguration Allows request configuration to be fluently extended without adding overloads e.g. x => x.WithQueueName("MyQueue")
 IResponderConfiguration Allows responder configuration to be fluently extended without adding overloads e.g. x => x.WithPrefetchCount(50)
 IRpc An RPC style request-response pattern
 IScheduler Provides a simple Publish API to schedule a message to be published at some time in the future.
 ISendConfiguration Allows send configuration to be fluently extended without adding overloads e.g. x => x.WithPriority(2)
 ISendReceive An abstraction for send-receive pattern
 ISubscriptionConfiguration Allows subscription configuration to be fluently extended without adding overloads e.g. x => x.WithTopic("*.brighton")
 ISubscriptionResult The result of an Subscribe or SubscribeAsync operation. In order to cancel the subscription, call dispose on this object or on ConsumerCancellation.
 ITypeNameSerializer Responsible for serialization/deserialization of messages types