EasyNetQ by Mike Hadlow, Chris Edwards, A Hazelwood

<PackageReference Include="EasyNetQ" Version="" />


Namespace with 51 public types


 ComponentRegistration Registers the default EasyNetQ components in our internal super-simple IoC container.
 DefaultClusterHostSelectionStrategy`1 A collection that hands out the next item until success, or until every item has been tried.
 DefaultMessageValidationStrategy Simple validator only checks the basic properties Type field to see if it matches the type that was expected.
 DefaultServiceProvider Minimum IoC container inspired by http://ayende.com/blog/2886/building-an-ioc-container-in-15-lines-of-code Note all components are singletons. Only one instance of each will be created.
 PersistentConnection A connection that attempts to reconnect if the inner connection is closed.

 Static Classes

 RabbitHutch Does poor man's dependency injection. Supplies default instances of services required by RabbitBus.


 IAdvancedBus IAdvancedBus is a lower level API than IBus which gives you fined grained control of routing topology, but keeping the EasyNetQ serialisation, persistent connection, error handling and subscription thread.
 IBus Provides a simple Publish/Subscribe and Request/Response API for a message bus.
 IClusterHostSelectionStrategy`1 Provides a strategy for selecting a host from a list of nodes in a cluster
 IEventBus An internal pub-sub bus to distribute events within EasyNetQ
 ISaga A Saga should implement this interface.
 IServiceProvider Provides service instances
 IServiceRegister Register services