EasyNetQ by Mike Hadlow,Michael Denny,Yury Pliner,Wiebe Tijsma,Contributors (see GitHub repo)

<PackageReference Include="EasyNetQ" Version="5.2.0-alpha0065" />

.NET API 407,552 bytes


Namespace with 81 public types


 AdvancedBusEventHandlers Represents a handler container for events available in .

 Static Classes

 MessageFactory Creates a generic and returns it casted as so it can be used in scenarios where we only have a runtime available.
 RabbitHutch Static methods to create EasyNetQ core APIs.


 IAdvancedBus IAdvancedBus is a lower level API than IBus which gives you fined grained control of routing topology, but keeping the EasyNetQ serialization, persistent connection, error handling and subscription thread.
 IBasicGetResult`1 The result of the AdvancedBus Get method
 IBus Provides a simple Publish/Subscribe, Request/Response, Send/Receive and Delayed Publish API for a message bus.
 IEventBus An internal pub-sub bus to distribute events within EasyNetQ
 IQueueDeclareConfiguration Allows queue declaration configuration to be fluently extended without adding overloads to IBus e.g. x => x.WithMaxPriority(42)
 ISubscriptionResult The result of an Subscribe or SubscribeAsync operation. In order to cancel the subscription, call dispose on this object or on ConsumerCancellation.