EasyNetQ by Mike Hadlow,Michael Denny,Yury Pliner,Wiebe Tijsma,Contributors (see GitHub repo)

<PackageReference Include="EasyNetQ" Version="5.4.1" />

.NET API 392,192 bytes


Assembly with 20 public namespaces (392,192 bytes)

 EasyNetQ with 74 public types

 EasyNetQ.AmqpExceptions with 10 public types

 EasyNetQ.AutoSubscribe with 9 public types

 EasyNetQ.ConnectionString with 3 public types

 EasyNetQ.Consumer with 38 public types

 EasyNetQ.DI with 7 public types

 EasyNetQ.Events with 15 public types

 EasyNetQ.FluentConfiguration with 6 public types

 EasyNetQ.Interception with 9 public types

 EasyNetQ.Internals with 3 public types

 EasyNetQ.LightInject with 80 public types

 EasyNetQ.Logging with 7 public types

 EasyNetQ.Logging.LogProviders with 2 public types

 EasyNetQ.MessageVersioning with 6 public types

 EasyNetQ.MultipleExchange with 2 public types

 EasyNetQ.NonGeneric with 1 public types

 EasyNetQ.Producer with 23 public types

 EasyNetQ.Scheduling with 6 public types

 EasyNetQ.SystemMessages with 3 public types

 EasyNetQ.Topology with 8 public types