UmbracoCms.Core by Umbraco HQ

<PackageReference Include="UmbracoCms.Core" Version="7.3.3" />

.NET API 7,080,384 bytes


Namespace with 45 public types


 ActionsResolver A resolver to return all IAction objects
 ApplicationContext the Umbraco Application context
 CacheHelper Class that is exposed by the ApplicationContext for application wide caching purposes
 ConcurrentHashSet`1 A thread-safe representation of a . Enumerating this collection is thread-safe and will only operate on a clone that is generated before returning the enumerator.
 CoreBootManager A bootstrapper for the Umbraco application which initializes all objects for the Core of the application
 DatabaseContext The Umbraco Database context
 DelegateEqualityComparer`1 A custom equality comparer that excepts a delegate to do the comparison operation
 DisposableTimer Starts the timer and invokes a callback upon disposal. Provides a simple way of timing an operation by wrapping it in a using (C#) statement.
 HideFromTypeFinderAttribute Used to notify the TypeFinder to ignore any class attributed with this during it's discovery
 MonitorLock Provides an equivalent to the c# lock statement, to be used in a using block.
 ObservableDictionary`2 An ObservableDictionary
 PluginManager Used to resolve all plugin types and cache them and is also used to instantiate plugin types
 ReadLock Provides a convenience methodology for implementing locked access to resources.
 TopologicalSorter Topological Sort algorithm for sorting items based on dependencies. Use the static method TopologicalSorter.GetSortedItems for a convenient way of sorting a list of items with dependencies between them.
 UpgradeableReadLock Provides a convenience methodology for implementing locked access to resources.
 WriteLock Provides a convenience methodology for implementing locked access to resources.
 XmlHelper The XmlHelper class contains general helper methods for working with xml in umbraco.


 Attempt`1 Represents the result of an operation attempt.



 Static Classes

 Attempt Provides ways to create attempts.
 Constants Constants all the identifiers within the Umbraco core.
 Enum`1 A very useful class for parsing, enumerating and querying Enum objects
 EnumerableExtensions Extensions for enumerable sources
 IfExtensions Extension methods for 'If' checking like checking If something is null or not null
 Mandate Helper class for mandating values, for example on method parameters.
 StringExtensions String extension methods
 SystemUtilities Static helper methods for returning information about the current System
 TypeFinder A utility class to find all classes of a certain type by reflection in the current bin folder of the web application.
 UriExtensions Provides extension methods to .

 Abstract Classes

 ApplicationEventHandler A plugin type that allows developers to execute code during the Umbraco bootup process
 DisposableObject Abstract implementation of IDisposable.
 UmbracoApplicationBase The abstract class for the Umbraco HttpApplication


 IApplicationEventHandler Custom IApplicationStartupHandler that auto subscribes to the applications events
 IBootManager A bootstrapper interface for the Umbraco application
 IDisposeOnRequestEnd Any class implementing this interface that is added to the httpcontext.items keys or values will be disposed of at the end of the request.