UmbracoCms.Core by Umbraco HQ

<PackageReference Include="UmbracoCms.Core" Version="8.8.4" />

.NET API 2,556,928 bytes


Namespace with 57 public types


 BindingRedirects Manages any assembly binding redirects that cannot be done via config (i.e. unsigned --> signed assemblies)
 DelegateEqualityComparer`1 A custom equality comparer that excepts a delegate to do the comparison operation
 EmailSender A utility class for sending emails
 GuidUdi Represents a guid-based entity identifier.
 MonitorLock Provides an equivalent to the c# lock statement, to be used in a using block.
 NamedUdiRange Represents a complemented with a name.
 ReadLock Provides a convenience methodology for implementing locked access to resources.
 Settable`1 Represents a value that can be assigned a value.
 SimpleMainDom Provides a simple implementation of .
 StringUdi Represents a string-based entity identifier.
 UdiRange Represents a range.
 UpgradeableReadLock Provides a convenience methodology for implementing locked access to resources.
 WriteLock Provides a convenience methodology for implementing locked access to resources.


 Attempt`1 Represents the result of an operation attempt.
 Attempt`2 Represents the result of an operation attempt.


 RuntimeLevel Describes the levels in which the runtime can run.
 RuntimeLevelReason Describes the reason for the runtime level.
 UdiType Defines Udi types.

 Static Classes

 Attempt Provides ways to create attempts.
 CompositionExtensions Provides extension methods to the class.
 ConfigsExtensions Provides extension methods for the class.
 Constants Defines constants.
 ContentVariationExtensions Provides extension methods for content variations.
 DecimalExtensions Provides extension methods for System.Decimal.
 Enum`1 Provides utility methods for handling enumerations.
 EnumerableExtensions Extensions for enumerable sources
 EnumExtensions Provides extension methods to .
 FactoryExtensions Provides extension methods to the class.
 IfExtensions Extension methods for 'If' checking like checking If something is null or not null
 KeyValuePairExtensions Provides extension methods for the struct.
 ObjectExtensions Provides object extension methods.
 PublishedModelFactoryExtensions Provides extension methods for .
 ReflectionUtilities Provides utilities to simplify reflection.
 RegisterExtensions Provides extension methods to the class.
 RuntimeOptions Provides static options for the runtime.
 StringExtensions String extension methods
 SystemUtilities Static helper methods for returning information about the current System
 UdiGetterExtensions Provides extension methods that return udis for Umbraco entities.
 UriExtensions Provides extension methods to .

 Abstract Classes

 DisposableObjectSlim Abstract implementation of managed IDisposable.
 Udi Represents an entity identifier.


 IDisposeOnRequestEnd Any class implementing this interface that is added to the httpcontext.items keys or values will be disposed of at the end of the request.
 IEmailSender Simple abstraction to send an email message
 IMainDom Represents the main AppDomain running for a given application.
 IRuntime Defines the Umbraco runtime.
 IRuntimeState Represents the state of the Umbraco runtime.