Selenium.WebDriver by Selenium Committers

<PackageReference Include="Selenium.WebDriver" Version="4.18.1" />

.NET API 4,332,544 bytes


Namespace with 28 public types


 AccessibilityAdapter Represents an adapter for the Accessibility domain to simplify the command interface.
 AXNode A node in the accessibility tree.
 AXProperty AXProperty
 AXRelatedNode AXRelatedNode
 AXValue A single computed AX property.
 AXValueSource A single source for a computed AX property.
 DisableCommandResponse Response for Disables the accessibility domain.
 DisableCommandSettings Disables the accessibility domain.
 EnableCommandResponse Response for Enables the accessibility domain which causes `AXNodeId`s to remain consistent between method calls. This turns on accessibility for the page, which can impact performance until accessibility is disabled.
 EnableCommandSettings Enables the accessibility domain which causes `AXNodeId`s to remain consistent between method calls. This turns on accessibility for the page, which can impact performance until accessibility is disabled.
 GetAXNodeAndAncestorsCommandResponse Response for Fetches a node and all ancestors up to and including the root. Requires `enable()` to have been called previously.
 GetAXNodeAndAncestorsCommandSettings Fetches a node and all ancestors up to and including the root. Requires `enable()` to have been called previously.
 GetChildAXNodesCommandResponse Response for Fetches a particular accessibility node by AXNodeId. Requires `enable()` to have been called previously.
 GetChildAXNodesCommandSettings Fetches a particular accessibility node by AXNodeId. Requires `enable()` to have been called previously.
 GetFullAXTreeCommandResponse Response for Fetches the entire accessibility tree for the root Document
 GetFullAXTreeCommandSettings Fetches the entire accessibility tree for the root Document
 GetPartialAXTreeCommandResponse Response for Fetches the accessibility node and partial accessibility tree for this DOM node, if it exists.
 GetPartialAXTreeCommandSettings Fetches the accessibility node and partial accessibility tree for this DOM node, if it exists.
 GetRootAXNodeCommandResponse Response for Fetches the root node. Requires `enable()` to have been called previously.
 GetRootAXNodeCommandSettings Fetches the root node. Requires `enable()` to have been called previously.
 LoadCompleteEventArgs The loadComplete event mirrors the load complete event sent by the browser to assistive technology when the web page has finished loading.
 NodesUpdatedEventArgs The nodesUpdated event is sent every time a previously requested node has changed the in tree.
 QueryAXTreeCommandResponse Response for Query a DOM node's accessibility subtree for accessible name and role. This command computes the name and role for all nodes in the subtree, including those that are ignored for accessibility, and returns those that mactch the specified name and role. If no DOM node is specified, or the DOM node does not exist, the command returns an error. If neither `accessibleName` or `role` is specified, it returns all the accessibility nodes in the subtree.
 QueryAXTreeCommandSettings Query a DOM node's accessibility subtree for accessible name and role. This command computes the name and role for all nodes in the subtree, including those that are ignored for accessibility, and returns those that mactch the specified name and role. If no DOM node is specified, or the DOM node does not exist, the command returns an error. If neither `accessibleName` or `role` is specified, it returns all the accessibility nodes in the subtree.


 AXPropertyName Values of AXProperty name: - from 'busy' to 'roledescription': states which apply to every AX node - from 'live' to 'root': attributes which apply to nodes in live regions - from 'autocomplete' to 'valuetext': attributes which apply to widgets - from 'checked' to 'selected': states which apply to widgets - from 'activedescendant' to 'owns' - relationships between elements other than parent/child/sibling.
 AXValueNativeSourceType Enum of possible native property sources (as a subtype of a particular AXValueSourceType).
 AXValueSourceType Enum of possible property sources.
 AXValueType Enum of possible property types.