Selenium.WebDriver by Selenium Committers

<PackageReference Include="Selenium.WebDriver" Version="4.18.1" />

.NET API 4,332,544 bytes


Namespace with 29 public types


 Animation Animation instance.
 AnimationAdapter Represents an adapter for the Animation domain to simplify the command interface.
 AnimationCanceledEventArgs Event for when an animation has been cancelled.
 AnimationCreatedEventArgs Event for each animation that has been created.
 AnimationEffect AnimationEffect instance
 AnimationStartedEventArgs Event for animation that has been started.
 DisableCommandResponse Response for Disables animation domain notifications.
 DisableCommandSettings Disables animation domain notifications.
 EnableCommandResponse Response for Enables animation domain notifications.
 EnableCommandSettings Enables animation domain notifications.
 GetCurrentTimeCommandResponse Response for Returns the current time of the an animation.
 GetCurrentTimeCommandSettings Returns the current time of the an animation.
 GetPlaybackRateCommandResponse Response for Gets the playback rate of the document timeline.
 GetPlaybackRateCommandSettings Gets the playback rate of the document timeline.
 KeyframesRule Keyframes Rule
 KeyframeStyle Keyframe Style
 ReleaseAnimationsCommandResponse Response for Releases a set of animations to no longer be manipulated.
 ReleaseAnimationsCommandSettings Releases a set of animations to no longer be manipulated.
 ResolveAnimationCommandResponse Response for Gets the remote object of the Animation.
 ResolveAnimationCommandSettings Gets the remote object of the Animation.
 SeekAnimationsCommandResponse Response for Seek a set of animations to a particular time within each animation.
 SeekAnimationsCommandSettings Seek a set of animations to a particular time within each animation.
 SetPausedCommandResponse Response for Sets the paused state of a set of animations.
 SetPausedCommandSettings Sets the paused state of a set of animations.
 SetPlaybackRateCommandResponse Response for Sets the playback rate of the document timeline.
 SetPlaybackRateCommandSettings Sets the playback rate of the document timeline.
 SetTimingCommandResponse Response for Sets the timing of an animation node.
 SetTimingCommandSettings Sets the timing of an animation node.


 AnimationTypeValues Enumerated values for Animation.Animation.type