OpenSearch.Client by OpenSearch and contributors

<PackageReference Include="OpenSearch.Client" Version="1.6.0" />

.NET API 3,588,216 bytes


OpenSearchClient is a strongly typed client which exposes fully mapped OpenSearch endpoints
public CatNamespace Cat { get; }

Cat APIs

public ClusterNamespace Cluster { get; }

Cluster APIs

Dangling Indices APIs

public HttpNamespace Http { get; }

Http APIs

public IndicesNamespace Indices { get; }

Indices APIs

public Inferrer Infer { get; }

public IngestNamespace Ingest { get; }

Ingest APIs

public NodesNamespace Nodes { get; }

Nodes APIs

public SnapshotNamespace Snapshot { get; }

Snapshot APIs

public TasksNamespace Tasks { get; }

Tasks APIs

public OpenSearchClient(Uri uri)

public OpenSearchClient(string cloudId, BasicAuthenticationCredentials credentials)

Sets up the client to communicate to OpenSearch Cloud using cloudId,

CloudConnectionPool documentation for more information on how to obtain your Cloud Id

If you want more control use the #ctor constructor and pass an instance of ConnectionSettings that takes cloudId in its constructor as well

public OpenSearchClient(string cloudId, ApiKeyAuthenticationCredentials credentials)

Sets up the client to communicate to OpenSearch Cloud using cloudId,

CloudConnectionPool documentation for more information on how to obtain your Cloud Id

If you want more control use the #ctor constructor and pass an instance of ConnectionSettings that takes cloudId in its constructor as well

public OpenSearchClient(IConnectionSettingsValues connectionSettings)

POST request to the bulk API, read more about this API online:

public BulkResponse Bulk(IBulkRequest request)

POST request to the bulk API, read more about this API online:

public BulkAllObservable<T> BulkAll<T>(IEnumerable<T> documents, Func<BulkAllDescriptor<T>, IBulkAllRequest<T>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public BulkAllObservable<T> BulkAll<T>(IBulkAllRequest<T> request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

POST request to the bulk API, read more about this API online:

public Task<BulkResponse> BulkAsync(IBulkRequest request, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the bulk API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the clear_scroll API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the clear_scroll API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the clear_scroll API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the clear_scroll API, read more about this API online:

public CountResponse Count<TDocument>(Func<CountDescriptor<TDocument>, ICountRequest> selector = null)

POST request to the count API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the count API, read more about this API online:

public Task<CountResponse> CountAsync<TDocument>(Func<CountDescriptor<TDocument>, ICountRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the count API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the count API, read more about this API online:

public CreateResponse Create<TDocument>(TDocument document, Func<CreateDescriptor<TDocument>, ICreateRequest<TDocument>> selector)

PUT request to the create API, read more about this API online:

public CreateResponse Create<TDocument>(ICreateRequest<TDocument> request)

PUT request to the create API, read more about this API online:

public Task<CreateResponse> CreateAsync<TDocument>(TDocument document, Func<CreateDescriptor<TDocument>, ICreateRequest<TDocument>> selector, CancellationToken ct = default)

PUT request to the create API, read more about this API online:

public Task<CreateResponse> CreateAsync<TDocument>(ICreateRequest<TDocument> request, CancellationToken ct = default)

PUT request to the create API, read more about this API online:

public CreateResponse CreateDocument<TDocument>(TDocument document)

public Task<CreateResponse> CreateDocumentAsync<TDocument>(TDocument document, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

POST request to the create_pit API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the create_pit API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the create_pit API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the create_pit API, read more about this API online:

public DeleteResponse Delete<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<DeleteDescriptor<TDocument>, IDeleteRequest> selector = null)

DELETE request to the delete API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete_all_pits API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete_all_pits API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete_all_pits API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete_all_pits API, read more about this API online:

public Task<DeleteResponse> DeleteAsync<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<DeleteDescriptor<TDocument>, IDeleteRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

DELETE request to the delete API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the delete_by_query API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the delete_by_query API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the delete_by_query API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the delete_by_query API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the delete_by_query_rethrottle API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the delete_by_query_rethrottle API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the delete_by_query_rethrottle API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the delete_by_query_rethrottle API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete_pit API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete_pit API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete_pit API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete_pit API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete_script API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete_script API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete_script API, read more about this API online:

DELETE request to the delete_script API, read more about this API online:

public ExistsResponse DocumentExists<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<DocumentExistsDescriptor<TDocument>, IDocumentExistsRequest> selector = null)

HEAD request to the exists API, read more about this API online:

HEAD request to the exists API, read more about this API online:

public Task<ExistsResponse> DocumentExistsAsync<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<DocumentExistsDescriptor<TDocument>, IDocumentExistsRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

HEAD request to the exists API, read more about this API online:

HEAD request to the exists API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the scripts_painless_execute API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the scripts_painless_execute API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the scripts_painless_execute API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the scripts_painless_execute API, read more about this API online:

public ExplainResponse<TDocument> Explain<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<ExplainDescriptor<TDocument>, IExplainRequest> selector = null)

POST request to the explain API, read more about this API online:

public ExplainResponse<TDocument> Explain<TDocument>(IExplainRequest request)

POST request to the explain API, read more about this API online:

public Task<ExplainResponse<TDocument>> ExplainAsync<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<ExplainDescriptor<TDocument>, IExplainRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the explain API, read more about this API online:

public Task<ExplainResponse<TDocument>> ExplainAsync<TDocument>(IExplainRequest request, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the explain API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the field_caps API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the field_caps API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the field_caps API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the field_caps API, read more about this API online:

public GetResponse<TDocument> Get<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<GetDescriptor<TDocument>, IGetRequest> selector = null)

GET request to the get API, read more about this API online:

public GetResponse<TDocument> Get<TDocument>(IGetRequest request)

GET request to the get API, read more about this API online:

GET request to the get_all_pits API, read more about this API online:

GET request to the get_all_pits API, read more about this API online:

GET request to the get_all_pits API, read more about this API online:

GET request to the get_all_pits API, read more about this API online:

public Task<GetResponse<TDocument>> GetAsync<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<GetDescriptor<TDocument>, IGetRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

GET request to the get API, read more about this API online:

public Task<GetResponse<TDocument>> GetAsync<TDocument>(IGetRequest request, CancellationToken ct = default)

GET request to the get API, read more about this API online:

GET request to the get_script API, read more about this API online:

GET request to the get_script API, read more about this API online:

GET request to the get_script API, read more about this API online:

GET request to the get_script API, read more about this API online:

public IndexResponse Index<TDocument>(TDocument document, Func<IndexDescriptor<TDocument>, IIndexRequest<TDocument>> selector)

PUT request to the index API, read more about this API online:

public IndexResponse Index<TDocument>(IIndexRequest<TDocument> request)

PUT request to the index API, read more about this API online:

public Task<IndexResponse> IndexAsync<TDocument>(TDocument document, Func<IndexDescriptor<TDocument>, IIndexRequest<TDocument>> selector, CancellationToken ct = default)

PUT request to the index API, read more about this API online:

public Task<IndexResponse> IndexAsync<TDocument>(IIndexRequest<TDocument> request, CancellationToken ct = default)

PUT request to the index API, read more about this API online:

public IndexResponse IndexDocument<TDocument>(TDocument document)

public Task<IndexResponse> IndexDocumentAsync<TDocument>(TDocument document, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the mget API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the mget API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the mget API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the mget API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the msearch API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the msearch API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the msearch API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the msearch API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the msearch_template API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the msearch_template API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the msearch_template API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the msearch_template API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the mtermvectors API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the mtermvectors API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the mtermvectors API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the mtermvectors API, read more about this API online:

public PingResponse Ping(Func<PingDescriptor, IPingRequest> selector = null)

HEAD request to the ping API, read more about this API online:

public PingResponse Ping(IPingRequest request)

HEAD request to the ping API, read more about this API online:

public Task<PingResponse> PingAsync(Func<PingDescriptor, IPingRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

HEAD request to the ping API, read more about this API online:

public Task<PingResponse> PingAsync(IPingRequest request, CancellationToken ct = default)

HEAD request to the ping API, read more about this API online:

PUT request to the put_script API, read more about this API online:

PUT request to the put_script API, read more about this API online:

PUT request to the put_script API, read more about this API online:

PUT request to the put_script API, read more about this API online:

public IObservable<BulkAllResponse> Reindex<TSource>(Func<ReindexDescriptor<TSource, TSource>, IReindexRequest<TSource, TSource>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public IObservable<BulkAllResponse> Reindex<TSource, TTarget>(Func<TSource, TTarget> mapper, Func<ReindexDescriptor<TSource, TTarget>, IReindexRequest<TSource, TTarget>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public IObservable<BulkAllResponse> Reindex<TSource>(IReindexRequest<TSource> request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public IObservable<BulkAllResponse> Reindex<TSource, TTarget>(IReindexRequest<TSource, TTarget> request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public IObservable<BulkAllResponse> Reindex<TSource, TTarget>(IndexName fromIndex, IndexName toIndex, Func<TSource, TTarget> mapper, Func<QueryContainerDescriptor<TSource>, QueryContainer> selector = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public IObservable<BulkAllResponse> Reindex<TSource>(IndexName fromIndex, IndexName toIndex, Func<QueryContainerDescriptor<TSource>, QueryContainer> selector = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

POST request to the reindex API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the reindex API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the reindex API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the reindex API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the reindex_rethrottle API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the reindex_rethrottle API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the reindex_rethrottle API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the reindex_rethrottle API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the render_search_template API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the render_search_template API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the render_search_template API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the render_search_template API, read more about this API online:

GET request to the info API, read more about this API online:

GET request to the info API, read more about this API online:

GET request to the info API, read more about this API online:

GET request to the info API, read more about this API online:

public ISearchResponse<TDocument> Scroll<TInferDocument, TDocument>(Time scroll, string scrollId, Func<ScrollDescriptor<TInferDocument>, IScrollRequest> selector = null)

POST request to the scroll API, read more about this API online:

public ISearchResponse<TDocument> Scroll<TDocument>(Time scroll, string scrollId, Func<ScrollDescriptor<TDocument>, IScrollRequest> selector = null)

POST request to the scroll API, read more about this API online:

public ISearchResponse<TDocument> Scroll<TDocument>(IScrollRequest request)

POST request to the scroll API, read more about this API online:

public IObservable<ScrollAllResponse<T>> ScrollAll<T>(Time scrollTime, int numberOfSlices, Func<ScrollAllDescriptor<T>, IScrollAllRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public IObservable<ScrollAllResponse<T>> ScrollAll<T>(IScrollAllRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public Task<ISearchResponse<TDocument>> ScrollAsync<TInferDocument, TDocument>(Time scroll, string scrollId, Func<ScrollDescriptor<TInferDocument>, IScrollRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the scroll API, read more about this API online:

public Task<ISearchResponse<TDocument>> ScrollAsync<TDocument>(Time scroll, string scrollId, Func<ScrollDescriptor<TDocument>, IScrollRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the scroll API, read more about this API online:

public Task<ISearchResponse<TDocument>> ScrollAsync<TDocument>(IScrollRequest request, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the scroll API, read more about this API online:

public ISearchResponse<TDocument> Search<TInferDocument, TDocument>(Func<SearchDescriptor<TInferDocument>, ISearchRequest> selector = null)

POST request to the search API, read more about this API online:

public ISearchResponse<TDocument> Search<TDocument>(Func<SearchDescriptor<TDocument>, ISearchRequest> selector = null)

POST request to the search API, read more about this API online:

public ISearchResponse<TDocument> Search<TDocument>(ISearchRequest request)

POST request to the search API, read more about this API online:

public Task<ISearchResponse<TDocument>> SearchAsync<TInferDocument, TDocument>(Func<SearchDescriptor<TInferDocument>, ISearchRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the search API, read more about this API online:

public Task<ISearchResponse<TDocument>> SearchAsync<TDocument>(Func<SearchDescriptor<TDocument>, ISearchRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the search API, read more about this API online:

public Task<ISearchResponse<TDocument>> SearchAsync<TDocument>(ISearchRequest request, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the search API, read more about this API online:

public SearchShardsResponse SearchShards<TDocument>(Func<SearchShardsDescriptor<TDocument>, ISearchShardsRequest> selector = null)

POST request to the search_shards API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the search_shards API, read more about this API online:

public Task<SearchShardsResponse> SearchShardsAsync<TDocument>(Func<SearchShardsDescriptor<TDocument>, ISearchShardsRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the search_shards API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the search_shards API, read more about this API online:

public ISearchResponse<TDocument> SearchTemplate<TDocument>(Func<SearchTemplateDescriptor<TDocument>, ISearchTemplateRequest> selector = null)

POST request to the search_template API, read more about this API online:

public ISearchResponse<TDocument> SearchTemplate<TDocument>(ISearchTemplateRequest request)

POST request to the search_template API, read more about this API online:

public Task<ISearchResponse<TDocument>> SearchTemplateAsync<TDocument>(Func<SearchTemplateDescriptor<TDocument>, ISearchTemplateRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the search_template API, read more about this API online:

public Task<ISearchResponse<TDocument>> SearchTemplateAsync<TDocument>(ISearchTemplateRequest request, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the search_template API, read more about this API online:

public SourceResponse<TDocument> Source<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<SourceDescriptor<TDocument>, ISourceRequest> selector = null)

GET request to the get_source API, read more about this API online:

public SourceResponse<TDocument> Source<TDocument>(ISourceRequest request)

GET request to the get_source API, read more about this API online:

public Task<SourceResponse<TDocument>> SourceAsync<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<SourceDescriptor<TDocument>, ISourceRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

GET request to the get_source API, read more about this API online:

public Task<SourceResponse<TDocument>> SourceAsync<TDocument>(ISourceRequest request, CancellationToken ct = default)

GET request to the get_source API, read more about this API online:

public ExistsResponse SourceExists<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<SourceExistsDescriptor<TDocument>, ISourceExistsRequest> selector = null)

HEAD request to the exists_source API, read more about this API online:

HEAD request to the exists_source API, read more about this API online:

public Task<ExistsResponse> SourceExistsAsync<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<SourceExistsDescriptor<TDocument>, ISourceExistsRequest> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

HEAD request to the exists_source API, read more about this API online:

HEAD request to the exists_source API, read more about this API online:

public TermVectorsResponse TermVectors<TDocument>(Func<TermVectorsDescriptor<TDocument>, ITermVectorsRequest<TDocument>> selector = null)

POST request to the termvectors API, read more about this API online:

public TermVectorsResponse TermVectors<TDocument>(ITermVectorsRequest<TDocument> request)

POST request to the termvectors API, read more about this API online:

public Task<TermVectorsResponse> TermVectorsAsync<TDocument>(Func<TermVectorsDescriptor<TDocument>, ITermVectorsRequest<TDocument>> selector = null, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the termvectors API, read more about this API online:

public Task<TermVectorsResponse> TermVectorsAsync<TDocument>(ITermVectorsRequest<TDocument> request, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the termvectors API, read more about this API online:

public UpdateResponse<TDocument> Update<TDocument, TPartialDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<UpdateDescriptor<TDocument, TPartialDocument>, IUpdateRequest<TDocument, TPartialDocument>> selector)

POST request to the update API, read more about this API online:

public UpdateResponse<TDocument> Update<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<UpdateDescriptor<TDocument, TDocument>, IUpdateRequest<TDocument, TDocument>> selector)

POST request to the update API, read more about this API online:

public UpdateResponse<TDocument> Update<TDocument, TPartialDocument>(IUpdateRequest<TDocument, TPartialDocument> request)

POST request to the update API, read more about this API online:

public Task<UpdateResponse<TDocument>> UpdateAsync<TDocument, TPartialDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<UpdateDescriptor<TDocument, TPartialDocument>, IUpdateRequest<TDocument, TPartialDocument>> selector, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the update API, read more about this API online:

public Task<UpdateResponse<TDocument>> UpdateAsync<TDocument>(DocumentPath<TDocument> id, Func<UpdateDescriptor<TDocument, TDocument>, IUpdateRequest<TDocument, TDocument>> selector, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the update API, read more about this API online:

public Task<UpdateResponse<TDocument>> UpdateAsync<TDocument, TPartialDocument>(IUpdateRequest<TDocument, TPartialDocument> request, CancellationToken ct = default)

POST request to the update API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the update_by_query API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the update_by_query API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the update_by_query API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the update_by_query API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the update_by_query_rethrottle API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the update_by_query_rethrottle API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the update_by_query_rethrottle API, read more about this API online:

POST request to the update_by_query_rethrottle API, read more about this API online: