OpenSearch.Client by OpenSearch and contributors

<PackageReference Include="OpenSearch.Client" Version="1.6.0" />

.NET API 3,588,216 bytes


public interface IDateIndexNameProcessor : IProcessor
The purpose of this processor is to point documents to the right time based index based on a date or timestamp field in a document by using the date math index name support.
IEnumerable<string> DateFormats { get; set; }

An array of the expected date formats for parsing dates / timestamps in the document being preprocessed. Default is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ

DateRounding? DateRounding { get; set; }

How to round the date when formatting the date into the index name.

Field Field { get; set; }

The field to get the date or timestamp from.

string IndexNameFormat { get; set; }

The format to be used when printing the parsed date into the index name.

string IndexNamePrefix { get; set; }

A prefix of the index name to be prepended before the printed date.

string Locale { get; set; }

The locale to use when parsing the date from the document being preprocessed, relevant when parsing month names or week days.

string TimeZone { get; set; }

The timezone to use when parsing the date and when date math index supports resolves expressions into concrete index names.