NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="7.13.0" />

.NET API 4,917,760 bytes


public long CreateTime { get; }

The creation time in milliseconds since epoch

The creation time

public string Description { get; }

Free text description of the transform.

public Time Frequency { get; }

The interval between checks for changes in the source indices when the transform is running continuously. Also determines the retry interval in the event of transient failures while the transform is searching or indexing. The minimum value is 1s and the maximum is 1h. The default value is 1m.

public string Id { get; }

The identifier for the transform

public ITransformPivot Pivot { get; }

public ITransformSource Source { get; }

public ITransformSyncContainer Sync { get; }

public string Version { get; }

The version