NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="7.13.0" />

.NET API 4,917,760 bytes


public class ModelSizeStats
Provides information about the size and contents of the model.
public long BucketAllocationFailuresCount { get; }

The number of buckets for which new entities in incoming data were not processed due to insufficient model memory.

The status of categorization for the job.

public long CategorizedDocCount { get; }

The number of documents that have had a field categorized.

public long DeadCategoryCount { get; }

The number of categories created by categorization that will never be assigned again because another category's definition makes it a superset of the dead category. (Dead categories are a side effect of the way categorization has no prior training.)

public long FailedCategoryCount { get; }

The number of times that categorization wanted to create a new category but couldn't because the job had hit its model_memory_limit. This count does not track which specific categories failed to be created. Therefore you cannot use this value to determine the number of unique categories that were missed.

Available in Elasticsearch 7.8.0+

public long FrequentCategoryCount { get; }

The number of categories that match more than 1% of categorized documents.

public string JobId { get; }

A unique identifier for the job.

public DateTimeOffset LogTime { get; }

The timestamp according to server time.

public MemoryStatus MemoryStatus { get; }

The status of the mathematical models.

public long ModelBytes { get; }

The number of bytes of memory used by the models. This is the maximum value since the last time the model was persisted. If the job is closed, this value indicates the latest size.

public long ModelBytesExceeded { get; }

The number of bytes over the high limit for memory usage at the last allocation failure.

public long ModelBytesMemoryLimit { get; }

The upper limit for model memory usage, checked on increasing values.

public long RareCategoryCount { get; }

The number of categories that match just one categorized document.

public string ResultType { get; }

For internal use. The type of result.

public DateTimeOffset? Timestamp { get; }

The timestamp according to the timestamp of the data.

public long TotalByFieldCount { get; }

The number of by field values that were analyzed by the models.

public long TotalCategoryCount { get; }

The number of categories created by categorization.

public long TotalOverFieldCount { get; }

The number of over field values that were analyzed by the models.

public long TotalPartitionFieldCount { get; }

The number of partition field values that were analyzed by the models.

public ModelSizeStats()