NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="7.0.0" />

.NET API 4,262,912 bytes


Request for Rollover

public IAliases Aliases { get; set; }

public IRolloverConditions Conditions { get; set; }

public bool? DryRun { get; set; }

If set to true the rollover action will only be validated but not actually performed even if a condition matches. The default is false

public bool? IncludeTypeName { get; set; }

Whether a type should be included in the body of the mappings.

public ITypeMapping Mappings { get; set; }

public Time MasterTimeout { get; set; }

Specify timeout for connection to master

protected IRolloverIndexRequest Self { get; }

public IIndexSettings Settings { get; set; }

public Time Timeout { get; set; }

Explicit operation timeout

public string WaitForActiveShards { get; set; }

Set the number of active shards to wait for on the newly created rollover index before the operation returns.

public RolloverIndexRequest(Name alias)


public RolloverIndexRequest(Name alias, IndexName newIndex)


Used for serialization purposes, making sure we have a parameterless constructor