NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="7.0.0" />

.NET API 4,262,912 bytes


The field to use for grok expression parsing

public GrokProcessorDescriptor<T> Field<TValue>(Expression<Func<T, TValue>> objectPath)

public GrokProcessorDescriptor<T> IgnoreMissing(bool? ignoreMissing = true)

If true and Field does not exist or is null, the processor quietly exits without modifying the document. Default is false

public GrokProcessorDescriptor<T> PatternDefinitions(Func<FluentDictionary<string, string>, FluentDictionary<string, string>> patternDefinitions)

A map of pattern-name and pattern tuples defining custom patterns to be used by the current processor. Patterns matching existing names will override the pre-existing definition.

public GrokProcessorDescriptor<T> Patterns(IEnumerable<string> patterns)

An ordered list of grok expression to match and extract named captures with. Returns on the first expression in the list that matches.

public GrokProcessorDescriptor<T> Patterns(string[] patterns)

An ordered list of grok expression to match and extract named captures with. Returns on the first expression in the list that matches.

public GrokProcessorDescriptor<T> TraceMatch(bool? traceMatch = true)

when true, _ingest._grok_match_index will be inserted into your matched document’s metadata with the index into the pattern found in patterns that matched.