NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="5.4.0" />

.NET API 4,554,240 bytes


Allows inline, stored, and file scripts to be executed within ingest pipelines.

public ScriptProcessorDescriptor File(string file)

The script file to refer to

public ScriptProcessorDescriptor Id(string id)

The stored script id to refer to

public ScriptProcessorDescriptor Inline(string inline)

An inline script to be executed

public ScriptProcessorDescriptor Lang(string lang)

The scripting language. Defaults to painless

public ScriptProcessorDescriptor Params(Dictionary<string, object> scriptParams)

Parameters for the script

public ScriptProcessorDescriptor Params(Func<FluentDictionary<string, object>, FluentDictionary<string, object>> paramsSelector)

Parameters for the script