NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="5.4.0" />

.NET API 4,554,240 bytes


string HighWatermark { get; set; }

Controls the high watermark. It defaults to 90%, meaning ES will attempt to relocate shards to another node if the node disk usage rises above 90%. It can also be set to an absolute byte value (similar to the low watermark) to relocate shards once less than the configured amount of space is available on the node.

bool? IncludeRelocations { get; set; }

Defaults to true, which means that Elasticsearch will take into account shards that are currently being relocated to the target node when computing a node’s disk usage. Taking relocating shards' sizes into account may, however, mean that the disk usage for a node is incorrectly estimated on the high side, since the relocation could be 90% complete and a recently retrieved disk usage would include the total size of the relocating shard as well as the space already used by the running relocation.

string LowWatermark { get; set; }

Controls the low watermark for disk usage. It defaults to 85%, meaning ES will not allocate new shards to nodes once they have more than 85% disk used. It can also be set to an absolute byte value (like 500mb) to prevent ES from allocating shards if less than the configured amount of space is available.

bool? ThresholdEnabled { get; set; }

Defaults to true. Set to false to disable the disk allocation decider.

Time UpdateInterval { get; set; }

How often Elasticsearch should check on disk usage for each node in the cluster. Defaults to 30s.