Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom by Microsoft

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom" Version="161.8905.0" />

.NET API 5,152,136 bytes


protected const long BulkInsertOptionsProhibitedInOpenRowset = 2050

protected TSql90ParserBaseInternal(TokenBuffer tokenBuf, int k)

protected TSql90ParserBaseInternal(TokenStream lexer, int k)

public TSql90ParserBaseInternal(bool initialQuotedIdentifiersOn)

Real constructor (the one which is used)

protected static void AddConstraintToComputedColumn(ConstraintDefinition constraint, ColumnDefinition column)

Aggregates AUTHENTICATION option with the current options and check that the new option wasn't there before.

protected static PortTypes AggregatePortType(PortTypes current, PortTypes newOption, IToken token)

Aggregates PORTS option with the current options and check that the new option wasn't there before.

Checks certification options duplication

protected static void CheckDmlTriggerActionDuplication(int current, TriggerAction vTriggerAction)

protected static void CheckForDistinctInWindowedAggregate(FunctionCall functionCall, IToken distinctToken)

protected static void CheckForFormatFileOptionInOpenRowsetBulk(long encounteredOptions, TSqlFragment relatedFragment)

protected static void CheckIfEndpointOptionAllowed(EndpointProtocolOptions current, EndpointProtocolOptions newOption, EndpointProtocol protocol, IToken token)

Checks endpoint protocol options duplication, and if protocol allows that option as well

protected static void CheckIfPayloadOptionAllowed(PayloadOptionKinds current, PayloadOptionKinds newOption, EndpointType endpointType, IToken token)

Checks payload options duplication, and if endpoint type allows that option as well

protected static TValue EnableDisableMatcher<TValue>(IToken token, TValue enableValue, TValue disableValue)

protected static bool IsSys(Identifier identifier)

protected static bool IsXml(Identifier identifier)

Parses security object kind.

protected static SecurityObjectKind ParseSecurityObjectKind(Identifier identifier1, Identifier identifier2)

Parses security object kind.

protected static SecurityObjectKind ParseSecurityObjectKind(Identifier identifier1, Identifier identifier2, Identifier identifier3)

Parses security object kind.

Checks, if identifier is equal to AES or RC4

Recognizes the alter login sec admin password option.

Checks, if identifier specifies NTLM, KERBEROS or NEGOTIATE authentication protocol option

protected static void ThrowIfInvalidListenerPortValue(Literal value)

protected static void ThrowIfMaxdopValueOutOfRange(Literal value)

public static string Unquote(string value)

Unquotes a string

protected static void UpdateDmlTriggerActionEncounteredOptions(ref int encountered, TriggerAction vTriggerAction)

protected Literal CreateIntLiteralFromNumericToken(IToken token, int textOffset, int textLength)

protected void GetIPv4FragmentsFromNumberDotNumberNumeric(IToken token, out Literal frag1, out Literal frag2)

protected bool IsStatementIsNext()

Checks if the we should try to parse statement in blocks, ending with END keyword (e.g. BEGIN/END, BEGIN TRY / END TRY)

protected bool SplitNumericIntoIpParts(IToken token, out Literal frag1, out Literal frag2)