Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom by Microsoft

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom" Version="161.8905.0" />

.NET API 5,152,136 bytes


protected TSql140ParserBaseInternal(TokenBuffer tokenBuf, int k)

protected TSql140ParserBaseInternal(TokenStream lexer, int k)

public TSql140ParserBaseInternal(bool initialQuotedIdentifiersOn)

Real constructor (the one which is used)

protected static void CheckForDataFileFormatProhibitedOptionsBulkInsert(long encounteredOptions, BulkInsertStatement statement)

Checks that supported data file type, i.e. char or widechar, is specified with data file format CSV. If data file type is not supported, parser error exception is thrown.

protected static void CheckForDataFileFormatProhibitedOptionsInOpenRowsetBulk(long encounteredOptions, TSqlFragment relatedFragment)

Checks that file format CSV is not specified with unsupported openrowset bulk options: SINGLE_BLOB, SINGLE_CLOB and SINGLE_NCLOB. If data file type is not supported, parser error exception is thrown.

protected static void CheckForParquetFormatProhibitedOptionsInOpenRowsetBulk(long encounteredOptions, BulkOpenRowset bulkOpenRowset)

Checks whether the FORMAT='PARQUET' option has been specified and verifies whether the provided options are compatible with the PARQUET format.

protected static bool TryMatch(Literal literal, string keyword)

Tries to match string literal with predefined string value.

protected static void VerifyAllowedIndexOption140(IndexAffectingStatement statement, IndexOption option)

Creates an identifier from the passed in token.

Creates an IdentifierOrScalarExpression fragment from the passed in identifier.