C1.Xaml.UWP.FlexChart by GrapeCity, Inc.

<PackageReference Include="C1.Xaml.UWP.FlexChart" Version="10.0.20193.685" />

.NET API 811,416 bytes


public struct _Rect
Represents rectangle.
public static _Rect Empty

Empty rectangle.

public double Height

Height of rectangle.

public double Left

Left coordinate.

public double Top

Top coordinate.

public double Width

Width of rectangle.

public double Bottom { get; }

Gets the bottom coordinate of rectangle.

public _Point Center { get; }

public double Right { get; }

Gets the right coordinate of rectangle.

public _Rect(double l, double t, double w, double h)

Create an instance of rectangle.

public static _Rect Intersect(_Rect a, _Rect b)

public static bool op_Equality(_Rect rect1, _Rect rect2)

Equality operator.

public static bool op_Inequality(_Rect rect1, _Rect rect2)

Non-equality operator.

public bool Contains(double x, double y)

Returns whether the point specified by coordinates is inside rectangle.

public void Inflate(double dx, double dy)

public bool Intersect(_Rect rect)

Returns a value indicating whether the rectangle intersects with the specified rectangle.