C1.Xaml.UWP.FlexChart by GrapeCity, Inc.

<PackageReference Include="C1.Xaml.UWP.FlexChart" Version="10.0.20193.685" />

.NET API 811,416 bytes


public interface ISeries : IStyleProvider
ISeries interface.
IAxis AxisX { get; }

Gets or sets the series x-axis.

IAxis AxisY { get; }

Gets or sets the series y-axis.

string Binding { get; set; }

Gets or sets the binding.

string BindingX { get; set; }

Gets or sets the x-binding.

IChart Chart { get; set; }

Gets or sets the chart.

ChartType? ChartType { get; set; }

Gets or sets the chart type.

object DataSource { get; set; }

Gets or sets data source.

bool HasCustomSymbol { get; }

Whether the series has custom symbol rendering.

string LegendGroup { get; set; }

Gets or sets the legend group title in which the series should be included.

string Name { get; set; }

Gets or sets the series name.

int StackingGroup { get; set; }

Gets or sets the group index for series, only effect in bar and column chart type.

SymbolMarker SymbolMarker { get; set; }

Gets the series symbol marker.

int SymbolSize { get; set; }

Gets the series symbol size.

Gets or sets the series visibility.

_Rect? GetDataRect(_Rect currentRect)

Get the series bounding rectangle in data coordinates.

Gets the data type.

object GetItem(int i)

Gets the data item by index.

string GetLegendItemGroup(int index)

Gets the name of legend group.

object GetLegendItemImageSource(int index, ref _Size sz)

Gets the image source for the icon presented for the legend item.

Get the number of series items in the legend.

string GetLegendItemName(int index)

Gets the name of legend.

Gets the style of legend.

double[] GetValues(int dim)

Gets the data values.

void OnSymbolRendered(IRenderEngine engine, int i, double x, double y)

Called after rendering symbol.

bool OnSymbolRendering(IRenderEngine engine, int i, double x, double y)

Called before rendering symbol.