raygun4js by Mindscape Limited

<PackageReference Include="raygun4js" Version="2.3.2" />

 raygun4js 2.3.2

Raygun4js is a tiny library that you can easily add to your website or web application, which will then let your site automatically transmit all Errors to your Raygun.io dashboard, where you can see the stack trace, environment data, custom data and more. Installation is painless, and configuring your site to transmit errors takes just a couple of minutes.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2012/06/nuspec.xsd">
    <authors>Mindscape Limited</authors>
    <owners>Mindscape Limited</owners>
    <description>Raygun4js is a tiny library that you can easily add to your website or web application, which will then let your site automatically transmit all Errors to your Raygun.io dashboard, where you can see the stack trace, environment data, custom data and more. Installation is painless, and configuring your site to transmit errors takes just a couple of minutes.</description>
    <summary>Official Raygun JavaScript module - automatic client-side error tracking for your web project</summary>
    <tags>raygun error tracking reporting logging</tags>