quartz.impl.mongodb.actually-updated by Renaud Calmont

<PackageReference Include="quartz.impl.mongodb.actually-updated" Version="1.4.1" />

 quartz.impl.mongodb.actually-updated 1.4.1

Quartz.NET with configuration for getting started quickly on a MongoDB database as the job store. NB requires manual configuration (see project site). Version 1.3 fixes some bugs thank to contributors and follows dependencies updates.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2010/07/nuspec.xsd">
    <title>UPDATED Quartz.NET on MongoDB</title>
    <authors>Renaud Calmont</authors>
    <owners>Brant Wheeler</owners>
    <description>Quartz.NET with configuration for getting started quickly on a MongoDB database as the job store. NB requires manual configuration (see project site). Version 1.3 fixes some bugs thank to contributors and follows dependencies updates.</description>
    <summary>Quartz.NET with configuration for getting started quickly on a MongoDB database as the job store. NB requires manual configuration (see project site).</summary>
    <tags>nosql mongodb quartz scheduler</tags>
      <dependency id="quartz" version="2.1.2" />
      <dependency id="mongocsharpdriver" version="1.7" />