combit.ListLabel28.CosmosDBDataProvider by combit

<PackageReference Include="combit.ListLabel28.CosmosDBDataProvider" Version="28.4.0" />

 combit.ListLabel28.CosmosDBDataProvider 28.4.0

Provides access to the reporting tool List & Label. This package is required to connect to Cosmos DB data sources. Please note that a List & Label installation is required.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>combit List &amp; Label 28 Cosmos DB Data Provider Package</title>
    <license type="file">LICENSE.txt</license>
    <description>Provides access to the reporting tool List &amp; Label. This package is required to connect to Cosmos DB data sources. Please note that a List &amp; Label installation is required.</description>
    <copyright>Copyright © combit GmbH</copyright>
    <tags>c# combit core dotnet netcore reporting cosmosdb azure</tags>
      <group targetFramework="net6.0-windows7.0">
        <dependency id="combit.ListLabel28" version="28.4.0" />
        <dependency id="Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos" version="3.29.0" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETCoreApp3.1">
        <dependency id="combit.ListLabel28" version="28.4.0" />
        <dependency id="Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos" version="3.29.0" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.7">
        <dependency id="combit.ListLabel28" version="28.4.0" />
        <dependency id="Azure.Core" version="1.19.0" />
        <dependency id="Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos" version="3.29.0" />
        <dependency id="Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces" version="1.0.0" />
        <dependency id="Microsoft.Bcl.HashCode" version="1.1.0" />
        <dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="13.0.2" />