chilkat-win32 by Chilkat Software,Inc.

<PackageReference Include="chilkat-win32" Version="" />


Chilkat .NET Class Library (32-bit) for SSH/SFTP, FTP, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, SSL/TLS, Zip, HTTP, RSA, Encryption, Compression, XML, Socket, XMP, HTML to XML conversion, ...

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Chilkat .NET Class Library (x86)</title>
    <authors>Chilkat Software,Inc.</authors>
    <owners>Chilkat Software,Inc.</owners>
    <description>Chilkat .NET Class Library (32-bit)  for SSH/SFTP, FTP, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, SSL/TLS, Zip, HTTP, RSA, Encryption, Compression, XML, Socket, XMP, HTML to XML conversion, ...</description>
    <summary>Chilkat .NET Class Library (x86)</summary>
    <releaseNotes>Release notes at</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright Chilkat Software, Inc.</copyright>
    <tags>chilkat sftp ssh ftp imap rsa zip pop3 smtp ssl http encryption xml mime tar</tags>