Xamarin.Forms by Microsoft

<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.Forms" Version="" />

.NET API 1,238,656 bytes


public struct Size
Struct defining height and width as a pair of doubles.
public static readonly Size Zero

The Size whose values for height and width are 0.0.

public double Height { get; set; }

Magnitude along the vertical axis, in platform-specific units.

public bool IsZero { get; }

Whether the Size has Height and Width of 0.0.

public double Width { get; set; }

Magnitude along the horizontal axis, in platform-defined units.

public Size(double width, double height)

public static Size op_Addition(Size s1, Size s2)

Returns a new Size whose Height and Width are the sum of the component's height and width.

public static bool op_Equality(Size s1, Size s2)

Whether two Sizes have equal values.

public static Point op_Explicit(Size size)

Returns a new Point based on a Size.

public static bool op_Inequality(Size s1, Size s2)

Whether two Sizes have unequal values.

public static Size op_Multiply(Size s1, double value)

Scales both Width and Height.

public static Size op_Subtraction(Size s1, Size s2)

Returns a new Size whose Height and Width are s1's height and width minus the values in s2.

public void Deconstruct(out double width, out double height)

public bool Equals(Size other)

Whether this Size is equivalent to other.