Xamarin.Forms by Microsoft

<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.Forms" Version="" />

.NET API 1,173,616 bytes


Recognizer for pinch gestures.
public bool IsPinching { get; set; }

For internal use by the Xamarin.Forms platform.

Event that is raised when a pinch gesture updates.

public void SendPinch(Element sender, double delta, Point currentScalePoint)

For internal use by the Xamarin.Forms platform.

public void SendPinchCanceled(Element sender)

For internal use by the Xamarin.Forms platform.

public void SendPinchEnded(Element sender)

For internal use by the Xamarin.Forms platform.

public void SendPinchStarted(Element sender, Point initialScalePoint)

For internal use by the Xamarin.Forms platform.