Xamarin.Forms by Xamarin Inc.

<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.Forms" Version="" />

.NET API 638,976 bytes


public struct GridLength
Used to define the size (width/height) of Grid ColumnDefinition and RowDefinition.
public static GridLength Auto { get; }

A ready to reuse GridLength of GridUnitType.Auto.

public GridUnitType GridUnitType { get; }

Gets or sets the GridUnitType of the GridLength

public bool IsAbsolute { get; }

Gets wether or not the GridUnitType of the GridLength is GridUnitType.Absolute.

public bool IsAuto { get; }

Gets wether or not the GridUnitType of the GridLength is GridUnitType.Auto.

public bool IsStar { get; }

Gets wether or not the GridUnitType of the GridLength is GridUnitType.Star.

public double Value { get; }

Gets the Value of the GridLength.

public GridLength(double value)

public GridLength(double value, GridUnitType type)

public static GridLength op_Implicit(double absoluteValue)

Casting operator to convert a double into a GridLength of type GridUnitType.Absolute