Xamarin.Forms by Xamarin Inc.

<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.Forms" Version="" />

.NET API 509,952 bytes


Namespace with 165 public types


 AbsoluteLayout Positions child elements at absolute requested positions.
 ActivityIndicator A visual control used to indicate that something is ongoing.
 Animation Encapsulates an animation, a collection of functions that modify properties over a user-perceptible time period.
 BindableProperty A BindableProperty is a backing store for properties allowing bindings on .
 BindablePropertyKey The secret key to a BindableProperty, used to implement a BindableProperty with restricted write access.
 Binding A single 1:1 immutable data binding.
 BindingTypeConverter Type converter that converts from source types to
 BoundsConstraint A bounds layout constraint used by s.
 BoundsTypeConverter A that converts strings into s for use with s.
 BoxView A used to draw a solid colored rectangle.
 Button A button which reacts to touch events.
 CarouselPage A Page allowing to swipe between subpages, like a gallery.
 ColorTypeConverter A that converts from strings to a .
 ColumnDefinition An that defines properties for a column in a .
 ColumnDefinitionCollection A for s.
 Command Defines an implementation wrapping an .
 Command`1 Defines an implementation wrapping a generic Action<T>.
 Constraint A layout constraint used by s.
 ConstraintExpression Defines a constraint relationship.
 ConstraintTypeConverter A that converts from strings to a .
 ContentPage A that displays a single view.
 ContentPropertyAttribute Indicates the property of the type that is the (default) content property.
 ContentView An element with a single content.
 DataTemplate A template for multiple bindings, commonly used by s, s, and s.
 DateChangedEventArgs Event arguments for event.
 DatePicker A that allows date picking.
 DefinitionCollection`1 A collection parameterized by an . Base class for and .
 DependencyAttribute An attribute that indicates that the specified type provides a concrete implementation of a needed interface.
 Easing Functions that modify values non-linearly, generally used for animations.
 Editor A control that can edit multiple lines of text.
 ElementEventArgs Provides data for events pertaining to a single .
 Entry A control that can edit a single line of text.
 EntryCell A with a label and a single line text entry field.
 FileImageSource An that reads an image from a file.
 FocusEventArgs Event args for 's and events.
 FontTypeConverter A that converts from strings to .
 FormattedString Represents a text with attributes applied to some parts.
 Frame An element containing a single child, with some framing options.
 GestureRecognizer The base class for all gesture recognizers.
 Grid A layout containing views arranged in rows and columns.
 GridLengthTypeConverter A that converts from strings to s.
 HtmlWebViewSource A WebViewSource bound to an HTML-formatted string.
 Image that holds an image.
 ImageCell A that has an image.
 InputView The base class of a view which can take keyboard input.
 ItemTappedEventArgs Event arguments for the event.
 ItemVisibilityEventArgs Event args when an items visiblity has been changed in a .
 Keyboard Default keyboard and base class for specialized keyboards, such as those for telephone numbers, email, and URLs.
 KeyboardTypeConverter A that converts a string into a .
 Label A that displays text.
 ListView An that displays a collection of data as a vertical list.
 MasterDetailPage A that manages two panes of information: A master page that presents data at a high level, and a detail page that displays low-level details about information in the master.
 NavigationEventArgs EventArgs for the NavigationPage's navigation events.
 NavigationPage A that manages the navigation and user-experience of a stack of other pages.
 OnIdiom`1 Provides idiom-specific implementation of T for the current TargetIdiom.
 OnPlatform`1 Provides the platform-specific implementation of T for the current .
 OpenGLView A that displays OpenGL content.
 Page A that occupies the entire screen.
 Picker A control for picking an element in a list.
 PointTypeConverter A that converts from a string to a .
 ProgressBar A control indicating a progress.
 PropertyChangingEventArgs Event arguments for the delegate.
 RectangleTypeConverter A that converts a string to a .
 RelativeLayout A that uses s to layout its children.
 ResourceDictionary An IDictionary that maps identifier strings to arbitrary resource objects.
 RowDefinition An that defines properties for a row in a .
 RowDefinitionCollection A for s.
 ScrollView An element capable of scrolling if its Content requires.
 SearchBar A control that provides a search box.
 SelectedItemChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the event.
 Slider A control that inputs a linear value.
 Span Represents a part of a FormattedString.
 StackLayout A that positions child elements in a single line which can be oriented vertically or horizontally.
 Stepper A control that inputs a discrete value, constrained to a range.
 StreamImageSource that loads an image from a .
 Switch A control that provides a toggled value.
 SwitchCell A with a label and an on/off switch.
 TabbedPage that allows navigation between children pages, using tabs.
 TableRoot A that contains either a table section or the entire table.
 TableSection A logical and visible section of a .
 TableView A that holds rows of s.
 TapGestureRecognizer Provides tap gesture recognition and events.
 TappedEventArgs Arguments for the event.
 TextCell A with primary and text.
 TextChangedEventArgs Event arguments for TextChanged events. Provides old and new text values.
 ThicknessTypeConverter A that converts from a string to a .
 TimePicker A control that provides time picking.
 ToggledEventArgs Event arguments for and events.
 ToolbarItem An item in a toolbar or displayed on a .
 TypeConverterAttribute Attribute that specifies the type of used by its target.
 UnsolvableConstraintsException Exception indicating that the s specified cannot be simultaneously satisfied.
 UriImageSource An ImageSource that loads an image from a URI, caching the result.
 UriTypeConverter A that converts from a string or to a .
 UrlWebViewSource A WebViewSource bound to a URL.
 ValueChangedEventArgs Event arguments for ValueChanged events. Provides both old and new values.
 View A visual element used to place controls on screen.
 ViewCell A containing a developer-defined .
 VisualElement A that occupies an area on the screen, has a visual appearance, and can obtain touch input.
 WebView A that presents HTML content.
 WebViewSourceTypeConverter A that converts a string to a .


 Color A color.
 Font The font used to display text.
 GridLength Used to define the size (width/height) of Grid ColumnDefinition and RowDefinition.
 LayoutOptions A struct whose static members define various alignment and expansion options.
 Point Struct defining a 2-D point as a pair of doubles.
 Rectangle Struct defining a rectangle, using doubles.
 Size Struct defining height and width as a pair of doubles.
 SizeRequest Struct defining minimum and maximum s.
 Thickness Struct defining thickness around the edges of a using doubles.
 Vec2 Struct defining X and Y double values.


 AbsoluteLayoutFlags Flags used to modify how AbsoluteBounds are interpreted in an AbsoluteLayout.
 Aspect Defines how an image is displayed.
 BindingMode The direction of changes propagation for bindings.
 ConstraintType Enumeration specifying whether a constraint is constant, relative to a view, or relative to its parent.
 DependencyFetchTarget Enumeration specifying whether should return a reference to a global or new instance.
 GestureState Enumeration specifying the various states of a gesture.
 GridUnitType The unit type of a GridLength.
 KeyboardFlags Flagging enumeration for Keyboard options such as Capitalization, Spellcheck, and Suggestions.
 LayoutAlignment Values that represent LayoutAlignment.
 LineBreakMode Enumeration specifying various options for line breaking.
 NamedSize Represents pre-defined font sizes.
 ScrollOrientation Enumeration specifying vertical or horizontal scrolling directions.
 StackOrientation The orientations the a StackLayout can have.
 TableIntent TableIntent provides hints to the renderer about how a table will be used.
 TargetIdiom Indicates the type of device Forms is working on.
 TargetPlatform Indicates the kind of OS Forms is currently working on.
 TextAlignment Represents vertical and horizontal text alignement.
 ToolbarItemOrder Enumeration specifying whether the appears on the primary toolbar surface or secondary.
 ViewState Deprecated. Do not use.

 Static Classes

 AnimationExtensions Extension methods for .
 BindableObjectExtensions Contains convenience extension methods for .
 DependencyService Static class that provides the factory method for retrieving platform-specific implementations of the specified type T.
 Device An utility class to interract with the current Device/Platform.
 MessagingCenter Associates a callback on subscribers with a specific message name.
 NameScopeExtensions Extension methods for and that add strongly-typed FindByName methods.
 TemplateExtensions Extension class for DataTemplate, providing a string-based shortcut method for defining a Binding.
 ViewExtensions Extension methods for s, providing animatable scaling, rotation, and layout functions.

 Abstract Classes

 BindableObject A base class for everything supporting .
 BindingBase An abstract class that provides a and a formatting option.
 Element Provides the base class for all Forms hierarchal elements. This class contains all the methods and properties required to represent an element in the Forms hierarchy.
 HandlerAttribute An abstract attribute whose subclasses specify the platform-specific renderers for Xamarin.Forms abstract controls.
 ImageSource Abstract class whose implementors load images from files or the Web.
 ItemsView`1 A base class for a view that contains a templated list of items.
 Layout Provides the base class for all Layout elements. Use Layout elements to position and size child elements in Forms applications.
 Layout`1 A base implementation of a layout with undefined behavior and multiple children.
 MultiPage`1 A bindable, templatable base class for pages which contain multiple sub-pages.
 TableSectionBase Abstract base class defining a table section.
 TableSectionBase`1 Table section that contains instances of type T that are rendered by Xamarin.Forms.
 TypeConverter Abstract base class whose subclasses can convert values between different types.
 WebViewSource Abstract class whose subclasses provide the data for a .


 IAnimatable Defines an interface for elements that can be animated.
 IDefinition Interface defining the type of and .
 IGestureRecognizer The base interface all gesture recognizers must implement.
 ILayout Interface indicating layout behavior and exposing the event.
 INavigation Interface abstracting platform-specific navigation.
 IPageContainer`1 Interface defining a container for s and exposing a property.
 IPlatform Interface defining the abstraction of a native platform.
 IPlatformEngine Interface defining a native platform rendering engine.
 IRegisterable Internally-used flagging interface indicating types that can be registered with .
 IValueConverter Interface defining methods for two-way value conversion between types.
 IViewContainer`1 The type of element that can be added to the container.