WixSharp by Oleg Shilo

<PackageReference Include="WixSharp" Version="1.0.11" />

.NET API 162,816 bytes

 WixSharp 1.0.11

Framework for building a complete MSI or WiX source code by using build script files written with the C# syntax. The package contains the sample code for building a simple MSI. In order to use this package you need have WiX Toolset installed. The package is tested against WIX (Windows Installer Xml) version 3.5.2519.0

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <title>Wix# (WixSharp) - managed interface for WiX</title>
    <authors>Oleg Shilo</authors>
    <owners>Oleg Shilo</owners>
    <description>Framework for building a complete MSI or WiX source code by using build script files written with the C# syntax.
The package contains the sample code for building a simple MSI. In order to use this package you need have WiX Toolset installed.
The package is tested against WIX (Windows Installer Xml) version 3.5.2519.0</description>
    <releaseNotes>- Sequence and Step are migrated to pseudo-enum types (WixEnum derivatives)
- Added support for Sequence combinations: Sequence.InstallExecuteSequence | Sequence.InstallUISequence</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Oleg Shilo</copyright>
    <tags>C# scripting msi install setup wix</tags>