WebRx by Oliver Weichhold

<PackageReference Include="WebRx" Version="0.9.0" />

 WebRx 0.9.0

WebRx integrates concepts of KnockoutJS and AngularJS with ReactiveX for Javascript (rxjs) into a MVC framework that enables developers to create responsive, structured and testable Web-Applications that run in any modern browser.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2010/07/nuspec.xsd">
    <title>WebRx - Dynamic JavaScript UIs with ReactiveX</title>
    <authors>Oliver Weichhold</authors>
    <owners>Oliver Weichhold</owners>
    <description>WebRx integrates concepts of KnockoutJS and AngularJS with ReactiveX for Javascript (rxjs) into a MVC framework that enables developers to create responsive, structured and testable Web-Applications that run in any modern browser.</description>
    <tags>Rx RxJS Reactive Extensions Observable Data-Binding Web UI SPA</tags>
      <dependency id="RxJS-Lite" version="2.4.1" />