WebAPIDoodle.Meta by Tugberk Ugurlu

<PackageReference Include="WebAPIDoodle.Meta" Version="1.2.3" />

.NET API 5,120 bytes

 WebAPIDoodle.Meta 1.2.3

WebAPIDoodle.Meta contains some runtime components such as Attributes, Interfaces. This assembly has no dependecny on ASP.NET Web API so that it would be easy to reference this on Model or Domain Layer projects

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <authors>Tugberk Ugurlu</authors>
    <owners>Tugberk Ugurlu</owners>
    <description>WebAPIDoodle.Meta contains some runtime components such as Attributes, Interfaces. This assembly has no dependecny on ASP.NET Web API so that it would be easy to reference this on Model or Domain Layer projects</description>
    <copyright>Copyright Tugberk Ugurlu 2012</copyright>
    <tags>http httpclient webapi aspnetwebapi</tags>