WMAM-LSI by Matt Lacey

<PackageReference Include="WMAM-LSI" Version="1.0.2" />

Package Files

1,844 bytes

 WMAM-LSI 1.0.2

Update the WMAppManifest to indicate that a Windows Phone 8.0 app can show a LockScreen icon and count.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <authors>Matt Lacey</authors>
    <owners>Matt Lacey</owners>
    <description>Update the WMAppManifest to indicate that a Windows Phone 8.0 app can show a LockScreen icon and count.</description>
    <summary>Avoid needing to manually edit the WMAppManifest.xml to indicate that a Windows Phone 8.0 app can show a LockScreen icon and count.</summary>
    <releaseNotes>Initial public release</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>2013 Matt Lacey</copyright>
    <tags>phone, wp8, windowsphone, windows WMAppManifest, WMAM, lockscreen</tags>