Useful.Utilities by J4S0Nc

<PackageReference Include="Useful.Utilities" Version="1.0.1" />

 Useful.Utilities 1.0.1

Collection of utility classes for dealing with Windows services, IIS, WMI, Registry, x509 certs, Files, security, network shares, GAC files, and a few other things. Most utilities can be ran locally or remotely.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Useful Utilities</title>
    <description>Collection of utility classes for dealing with Windows services, IIS, WMI, Registry, x509 certs, Files, security, network shares, GAC files, and a few other things. Most utilities can be ran locally or remotely.</description>
    <summary>Collection of utility classes for dealing with Windows services, IIS, WMI, Registry, x509 certs, Files, security, network shares, GAC files. Most utilities can be ran locally or remotely</summary>
    <releaseNotes>Some class names have changed and some functions have been refactored that may impact upgrading from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1. Please see project web site for more detail.</releaseNotes>
    <language />
    <tags>Utility Utilities Remote WMI Registry Services IIS Network Shares GAC x509 LSA</tags>