Unipluss.Sign.Client by Signere.no

<PackageReference Include="Unipluss.Sign.Client" Version="1.0.2725" />

.NET API 275,456 bytes

 Unipluss.Sign.Client 1.0.2725

Client library to communication with Signere.no REST API. The library contains relevant model classes and a client class with methods to access all resources provided in the Signere.no API. The client class itself is implemented from an interface to make it easily testable. All explicit communication with the API is handled internally and translated to POCO objects. The client methods require certain fields from Signere.no user credentials in order to work properly. To create a user account and obtain these credentials, please visit signere.no . Also, check out the REST API documentation at Https://api.signere.no for further details about the resources that can be accessed through this library.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2013/05/nuspec.xsd">
    <owners>Signere.no AS</owners>
    <description>Client library to communication with Signere.no REST API.
		The library contains relevant model classes and a client class with methods to access all resources provided in the Signere.no API. 
		The client class itself is implemented from an interface to make it easily testable.
		All explicit communication with the API is handled internally and translated to POCO objects. 
		The client methods require certain fields from Signere.no user credentials in order to work properly. 
		To create a user account and obtain these credentials, please visit signere.no .  
		Also, check out the REST API documentation at Https://api.signere.no for further details about the resources that can be accessed through this library.</description>
    <copyright>Copyright 2012</copyright>
    <tags>Signere, Sign, BankID, Digital signatur, Uni Pluss,Signere.no</tags>
      <dependency id="ServiceStack.Text" version="3.9.38" />
      <dependency id="AutoMapper" version="4.1.1" />
      <dependency id="protobuf-net" version="" />