UmbracoCms.Core by Umbraco HQ

<PackageReference Include="UmbracoCms.Core" Version="8.2.2" />

.NET API 2,434,560 bytes


public static class CompositionExtensions
Provides extension methods to the Composition class.

Gets the cache refreshers collection builder.

public static ComponentCollectionBuilder Components(this Composition composition)

Gets the components collection builder.

public static DataEditorCollectionBuilder DataEditors(this Composition composition)

Gets the data editor collection builder.

Gets the manifest filter collection builder.

public static MapperCollectionBuilder Mappers(this Composition composition)

Gets the mappers collection builder.

Gets the property value converters collection builder.

public static void RegisterEssentials(this Composition composition, ILogger logger, IProfiler profiler, IProfilingLogger profilingLogger, IMainDom mainDom, AppCaches appCaches, IUmbracoDatabaseFactory databaseFactory, TypeLoader typeLoader, IRuntimeState state)

Registers essential services.

public static void RegisterFileSystem<TFileSystem, TImplementing>(this Composition composition) where TImplementing : FileSystemWrapper, TFileSystem

Registers a filesystem.

public static void RegisterFileSystem<TFileSystem>(this Composition composition) where TFileSystem : FileSystemWrapper

Registers a filesystem.

public static void RegisterUnique<TService>(this Composition composition)

Registers a unique service as its own implementation.

public static void RegisterUnique<TService, TImplementing>(this Composition composition)

Registers a unique service with an implementation type.

public static void RegisterUnique<TService>(this Composition composition, TService instance)

Registers a unique service with an implementing instance.

public static void RegisterUniqueFor<TService, TTarget, TImplementing>(this Composition composition)

Registers a unique service with an implementation type, for a target.

public static void SetCultureDictionaryFactory<T>(this Composition composition) where T : ICultureDictionaryFactory

Sets the culture dictionary factory.

public static void SetCultureDictionaryFactory(this Composition composition, Func<IFactory, ICultureDictionaryFactory> factory)

Sets the culture dictionary factory.

public static void SetCultureDictionaryFactory(this Composition composition, ICultureDictionaryFactory factory)

Sets the culture dictionary factory.

Sets the database server messenger options.

Sets the database server messenger options.

public static void SetLogViewer<T>(this Composition composition) where T : ILogViewer

Sets the log viewer.

public static void SetLogViewer(this Composition composition, Func<IFactory, ILogViewer> factory)

Sets the log viewer.

public static void SetLogViewer(this Composition composition, ILogViewer viewer)

Sets the log viewer.

public static void SetMediaFileSystem(this Composition composition, Func<IFactory, IFileSystem> filesystemFactory)

Sets the underlying media filesystem.

public static void SetMediaFileSystem(this Composition composition, Func<IFileSystem> filesystemFactory)

Sets the underlying media filesystem.

public static void SetPublishedContentModelFactory<T>(this Composition composition) where T : IPublishedModelFactory

Sets the published content model factory.

public static void SetPublishedContentModelFactory(this Composition composition, Func<IFactory, IPublishedModelFactory> factory)

Sets the published content model factory.

public static void SetPublishedContentModelFactory(this Composition composition, IPublishedModelFactory factory)

Sets the published content model factory.

public static void SetServerMessenger<T>(this Composition composition) where T : IServerMessenger

Sets the server messenger.

public static void SetServerMessenger(this Composition composition, Func<IFactory, IServerMessenger> factory)

Sets the server messenger.

public static void SetServerMessenger(this Composition composition, IServerMessenger registrar)

Sets the server messenger.

public static void SetServerRegistrar<T>(this Composition composition) where T : IServerRegistrar

Sets the server registrar.

public static void SetServerRegistrar(this Composition composition, Func<IFactory, IServerRegistrar> factory)

Sets the server registrar.

public static void SetServerRegistrar(this Composition composition, IServerRegistrar registrar)

Sets the server registrar.

public static void SetShortStringHelper<T>(this Composition composition) where T : IShortStringHelper

Sets the short string helper.

public static void SetShortStringHelper(this Composition composition, Func<IFactory, IShortStringHelper> factory)

Sets the short string helper.

public static void SetShortStringHelper(this Composition composition, IShortStringHelper helper)

Sets the short string helper.

Gets the url segment providers collection builder.