UmbracoCms.Core by Umbraco HQ

<PackageReference Include="UmbracoCms.Core" Version="8.2.0" />

.NET API 2,434,560 bytes


Namespace with 31 public types


 ModelType Represents the CLR type of a model.
 NoopPublishedModelFactory Represents a no-operation factory.
 NoopPublishedValueFallback Provides a noop implementation for .
 PublishedContentType Represents an type.
 PublishedCultureInfo Contains culture specific values for .
 PublishedDataType Represents a published data type.
 PublishedModelAttribute Indicates that the class is a published content model for a specified content type.
 PublishedModelFactory Implements a strongly typed content model factory
 PublishedPropertyType Represents a published property type.
 ThreadCultureVariationContextAccessor Provides a CurrentUICulture-based implementation of .
 VariationContext Represents the variation context.


 Fallback Manages the built-in fallback policies.


 PublishedItemType The type of published element.
 UrlMode Specifies the type of urls that the url provider should produce, Auto is the default.

 Static Classes


 Abstract Classes

 PublishedContentModel Represents a strongly-typed published content.
 PublishedContentWrapped Provides an abstract base class for IPublishedContent implementations that wrap and extend another IPublishedContent.
 PublishedElementModel Represents a strongly-typed published element.
 PublishedElementWrapped Provides an abstract base class for IPublishedElement implementations that wrap and extend another IPublishedElement.


 ILivePublishedModelFactory Provides a live published model creation service.
 IPublishedContent Represents a published content item.
 IPublishedContentType Represents an type.
 IPublishedContentTypeFactory Creates published content types.
 IPublishedElement Represents a published element.
 IPublishedModelFactory Provides the published model creation service.
 IPublishedProperty Represents a property of an IPublishedElement.
 IPublishedPropertyType Represents a published property type.
 IPublishedValueFallback Provides a fallback strategy for getting values.
 IVariationContextAccessor Gives access to the current .