UmbracoCms.Core by Umbraco HQ

<PackageReference Include="UmbracoCms.Core" Version="8.18.4" />

.NET API 2,661,376 bytes

 LazyCollectionBuilderBase<TBuilder, TCollection, TItem>

public abstract class LazyCollectionBuilderBase<TBuilder, TCollection, TItem> : CollectionBuilderBase<TBuilder, TCollection, TItem> where TBuilder : LazyCollectionBuilderBase<TBuilder, TCollection, TItem> where TCollection : IBuilderCollection<TItem>
Implements a lazy collection builder.
protected abstract TBuilder This { get; }

public TBuilder Add<T>() where T : TItem

Adds a type to the collection.

public TBuilder Add(Type type)

Adds a type to the collection.

public TBuilder Add(Func<IEnumerable<Type>> producer)

Adds a types producer to the collection.

public TBuilder Clear()

Clears all types in the collection.

public TBuilder Exclude<T>() where T : TItem

Excludes a type from the collection.

public TBuilder Exclude(Type type)

Excludes a type from the collection.