UmbracoCms.Core by Umbraco HQ

<PackageReference Include="UmbracoCms.Core" Version="7.7.11" />

.NET API 7,768,400 bytes


static class XmlExtensions
Extension methods for xml objects
public static T AttributeValue<T>(this XElement xml, string attributeName)

public static T AttributeValue<T>(this XmlNode xml, string attributeName)

public static XElement GetXElement(this XmlNode node)

public static XmlNode GetXmlNode(this XContainer element)

public static XmlNode GetXmlNode(this XContainer element, XmlDocument xmlDoc)

public static bool HasAttribute(this XmlAttributeCollection attributes, string attributeName)

public static XmlNodeList SelectNodes(this XmlNode source, string expression, IEnumerable<XPathVariable> variables)

Selects a list of XmlNode matching an XPath expression.

public static XmlNodeList SelectNodes(this XmlNode source, XPathExpression expression, IEnumerable<XPathVariable> variables)

Selects a list of XmlNode matching an XPath expression.

public static XmlNodeList SelectNodes(this XmlNode source, string expression, XPathVariable[] variables)

Selects a list of XmlNode matching an XPath expression.

public static XmlNodeList SelectNodes(this XmlNode source, XPathExpression expression, XPathVariable[] variables)

Selects a list of XmlNode matching an XPath expression.

public static XmlNode SelectSingleNode(this XmlNode source, string expression, IEnumerable<XPathVariable> variables)

Selects the first XmlNode that matches an XPath expression.

public static XmlNode SelectSingleNode(this XmlNode source, XPathExpression expression, IEnumerable<XPathVariable> variables)

Selects the first XmlNode that matches an XPath expression.

public static XmlNode SelectSingleNode(this XmlNode source, string expression, XPathVariable[] variables)

Selects the first XmlNode that matches an XPath expression.

public static XmlNode SelectSingleNode(this XmlNode source, XPathExpression expression, XPathVariable[] variables)

Selects the first XmlNode that matches an XPath expression.

public static string ToDataString(this XElement xml)

public static XDocument ToXDocument(this XmlDocument xmlDocument)

Converts from an XmlDocument to an XDocument

public static XElement ToXElement(this XmlNode xmlElement)

Converts from an XmlElement to an XElement

public static XmlDocument ToXmlDocument(this XDocument xDocument)

Converts from an XDocument to an XmlDocument