TenorClient by halomademeapc

<PackageReference Include="TenorClient" Version="1.0.2" />


public class TenorClient
A client for interacting with the Tenor API
public TenorClient(string apiKey)

Create a new client

public TenorClient(string apiKey, HttpClient httpClient)

Create a new client

public TenorClient(string apiKey, IHttpClientFactory clientFactory)

Create a new client

Create a new client

public TenorClient(TenorConfiguration config, HttpClient httpClient)

Create a new client

public TenorClient(TenorConfiguration config, IHttpClientFactory clientFactory)

Create a new client

public Task<IEnumerable<string>> GetAutocompleteSuggestionsAsync(string query, int? limit = default)

Get autocomplete suggestions for a partial query

public Task<ImagePost> GetPostAsync(string id)

Get a single post by ID

public Task<GifQueryResult> GetPostsAsync(string[] ids)

Get a collection of posts by ID

public Task<GifQueryResult> GetPostsAsync(IEnumerable<string> ids, int? limit = default)

Get a collection of posts by ID

public Task<GifQueryResult> GetRandomPostsAsync(string query, int? limit = default, string position = null)

Get random GIFs matching a search query

public Task<IEnumerable<string>> GetSearchSuggestionsAsync(string query, int? limit = default)

Get related search suggestions to your current query

public Task<GifQueryResult> GetTrendingPostsAsync(int? limit = default, string position = null)

Get a list of the current global trending GIFs

public Task<IEnumerable<string>> GetTrendingTermsAsync(int? limit = default)

Get currently trending search terms

public Task RecordShareAsync(string id, string query)

Tell tenor that a GIF has been shared

public Task<SearchResult> SearchAsync(string query, int? limit = default, string position = null)

Perform a search for GIFs by keywords

public Task<SearchResult> SearchAsync(Category category, int? limit = default, string position = null)

Search for GIFs by tag