Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet.Mvc5 by Syncfusion Inc.

<PackageReference Include="Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet.Mvc5" Version="" />

.NET API 5,407,232 bytes


Namespace with 103 public types


 ChartColor Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color.


 ChartBubbleSize Specifies the chart bubble size.
 ColorType Specifies the color type.
 ExcelDropLineStyle Represents the drop line style type.
 LayoutModes Specifies the value indicates the layout modes for the chart.
 LayoutTargets Specifies the value indicates the layout targets for the chart.
 Office2007ChartBevelProperties Specifies the bevel type of a ThreeDFormat object.
 Office2007ChartLightingProperties Specifies the value indicates the Lighting properties for the Chart
 Office2007ChartMaterialProperties Specifies the extrusion surface material.
 Office2007ChartPresetsInner Specifies value indicates the Inner Shadow Values
 Office2007ChartPresetsOuter Specifies values Indicates the Outer Shadow values
 Office2007ChartPresetsPerspective Specifies the preset perspective Shadow Type
 OfficeAxisType Specifies the axis type.
 OfficeBaseFormat Specifies base format options.
 OfficeCategoriesLabelLevel Specifies the category labels for the category label levels.
 OfficeCategoryType Specifies the type of the category axis.
 OfficeChartBaseUnit Specifies units of time measurement.
 OfficeChartDisplayUnit Specifies numeric units of measurement.
 OfficeChartLinePattern Specifies a line style for chart.
 OfficeChartLineWeight Specifies the weight of the border around a range.
 OfficeChartMarkerType Specifies the marker type for a point or series in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
 OfficeChartPictureType Specifies how pictures are displayed on a column, bar picture chart, or legend key.
 OfficeChartPlotEmpty Specifies how blank cells are plotted on a chart.
 OfficeChartType Specifies the chart type.
 OfficeDataLabelPosition Specifies the position of data labels relative to the data markers.
 OfficeErrorBarInclude Specifies which error-bar parts to include.
 OfficeErrorBarType Specifies the range marked by error bars.
 OfficeFillType Specifies a shape's fill type.
 OfficeFontVerticalAlignment Defines the possible settings for vertical alignment of a run of text. This is used to get superscript or subscript text without altering the font size properties of the rest of the text run.
 OfficeGradientColor Specifies the type of gradient used in a chart's fill.
 OfficeGradientPattern Specifies gradient pattern.
 OfficeGradientPreset Specifies which predefined gradient to use to fill a shape.
 OfficeGradientStyle Specifies the style for a gradient fill.
 OfficeGradientVariants Specifies shape shading variants.
 OfficeHorizontalAlignment Specifies the horizontal alignment of text in a text frame.
 OfficeKnownColors Specifies the known officechart colors.
 OfficeLegendPosition Specifies the position of the legend on a chart.
 OfficePattern Specifies the fill pattern used in a chart.
 OfficePieType Specifies the limit values of pie chart.
 OfficeSeriesNameLevel Specifies the series labels for the series label levels.
 OfficeShapeArrowLength Specifies the length of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
 OfficeShapeArrowStyle Specifies the style of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
 OfficeShapeArrowWidth Specifies the width of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
 OfficeShapeDashLineStyle Specifies the dash style for a line.
 OfficeShapeLineStyle Specifies the style for a line.
 OfficeSplitType Specifies the values displayed in the second chart.
 OfficeTexture Specifies texture to be used to fill an object.
 OfficeTickLabelPosition Specifies the position of tick-mark labels on the specified axis.
 OfficeTickMark Specifies the position of major and minor tick marks for an axis.
 OfficeTopFormat Specifies Top format options.
 OfficeTrendLineType Specifies how the trendline that smoothes out fluctuations in the data is calculated.
 OfficeUnderline Specifies the type of underline applied to a font.
 OfficeVerticalAlignment Specifies the vertical alignment of text in a text frame.
 QuartileCalculation It represents Quartile calculation used for Box and Whisker Chart series
 ScalingMode Specifies the quality of the image in chart to image conversion.
 TextDirection Specifies the direction for text.
 TextHorzOverflowType Specifies the horizontal overflow type for text
 TextVertOverflowType Specifies the vertical overflow type for text
 TreeMapLabelOption It represents the Label position in Tree Map chart


 IChartLegendEntries Represents a collection of all the objects in the specified chart legend.
 IGradient Represents gradient fill format.
 IInterior Represents Interior of an object.
 IOfficeChart Represents a chart in a document
 IOfficeChartAxis Represents an axis in a chart.
 IOfficeChartBorder Represents the border of an object.
 IOfficeChartCategories Represents the collection of IOfficeChartCategory
 IOfficeChartCategory Represents the chart category
 IOfficeChartCategoryAxis Represents the chart Category Axis.
 IOfficeChartData Represents access to the linked or embedded data associated with a chart.
 IOfficeChartDataLabels Represents the chart data labels for the serie.
 IOfficeChartDataPoint Represents single data point in the chart.
 IOfficeChartDataPoints Represents a collection of data point in the series.
 IOfficeChartDataTable Represents the data table of the chart.
 IOfficeChartDropBar Represents ChartDropBarImpl.
 IOfficeChartErrorBars Represents the error bars on a chart series.
 IOfficeChartFillBorder Represents the options for area: area fill and border formatting.
 IOfficeChartFormat Provides access to the OfficeArt formatting for chart elements.
 IOfficeChartFrameFormat Represents the formatting settings of the chart element.
 IOfficeChartGridLine Represents major or minor gridlines on a chart axis.
 IOfficeChartInterior Represents the interior of the chart element.
 IOfficeChartLayout Represents the layout of the chart element.
 IOfficeChartLegend Represents the legend in a chart. Each chart can have only one legend.
 IOfficeChartLegendEntry Represents the functionalities for IOfficeChartLegendEntry.
 IOfficeChartManualLayout Represents the manual layout of the chart element.
 IOfficeChartPlotArea Represents chart plot area interface.
 IOfficeChartSerie Represents a series in a chart.
 IOfficeChartSerieDataFormat Summary description for IOfficeChartSerieDataFormat.
 IOfficeChartSeries Represents the collection of chart series.
 IOfficeChartSeriesAxis Represents the chart series Axis.
 IOfficeChartTextArea Represents the Text Area in a chart.
 IOfficeChartToImageConverter Represents the chart to image convertertion.
 IOfficeChartTrendLine Represents a trend line in a chart.
 IOfficeChartTrendLines Interface that represents trend line collection.
 IOfficeChartValueAxis Represents the chart value axis.
 IOfficeChartWallOrFloor Represents the walls or floors of a 3-D chart.
 IOfficeDataRange Represents a range of values of the chart.
 IOfficeFill Represents fill formatting for a shape.
 IOfficeFont Represents character formatting for text or a bullet.
 IOptimizedUpdate This interface describes methods for optimized object update.
 IParentApplication Interface that contains parent application.
 IShadow Represents the shadow formatting properties of the chart.
 IShapeLineFormat Represents the line formatting properties.
 IThreeDFormat Represents the 3-D format of the chart.