Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet.Mvc5 by Syncfusion Inc.

<PackageReference Include="Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet.Mvc5" Version="21.1.38" />

.NET API 4,427,776 bytes


public enum OfficeSplitType
Specifies the values displayed in the second chart.
Custom = 3

Indicates the arbitrary slides are displayed in the second chart.

Percent = 2

Indicates second chart displays values less than some percentage of the total value. The percentage is specified by the SplitValue property.

Indicates the second chart displays the smallest values in the data series. The number of values to display is specified by the SplitValue property.

Value = 1

Indicates the second chart displays values less than the value specified by the SplitValue property.