Stubble.Core by Alex McAuliffe

<PackageReference Include="Stubble.Core" Version="" />


public sealed class Writer
Represents the Writer for Tokens and a wrapper over the Parser
public Writer(int cacheLimit, Registry registry)

Initializes a new instance of the Writer class with a cacheLimit and explicit registry

public Writer(Registry registry)

Initializes a new instance of the Writer class with a explicit registry and cacheSize of 15

public Writer()

Initializes a new instance of the Writer class with a default Registry and a cache size of 15

public void ClearCache()

Clears the Template Token Cache

public IList<ParserOutput> Parse(string template)

Parses a template, looks up the template in the template token cache and returns cached version if possible.

public IList<ParserOutput> Parse(string template, Tags tags)

Parses a template with the given tags, looks up the template in the template token cache and returns cached version if possible.

public string Render(string template, object view, IDictionary<string, string> partials, RenderSettings settings)

Takes a template, view object, partials and render settings and Renders them using default tags

public string Render(string template, Context context, IDictionary<string, string> partials)

Takes a template, context and partials and Renders them using default tags

public string Render(string template, Context context, IDictionary<string, string> partials, Tags tags)

Takes a template, context, partials and tags and renders the template