Spire.PDFViewer by E-iceblue

<PackageReference Include="Spire.PDFViewer" Version="2.12.19" />

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 Spire.PDFViewer 2.12.19

Spire.PDFViewer is an easy-to-use and reliable .NET PDF Viewer component. With Spire.PDFViewer, developers can create any WinForms application to open, view and print PDF document in C# and Visual Basic on .NET(2.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.0 ClientProfile). Open and View Spire.PDFViewer for .NET can open and view PDF/A-1B, PDF/X1A and even encrypted document. When viewing, developers can view with zoom in/out, page up/down, moving to the first/last page or fitting page/width. Also, hand tool is available. Elements Spire.PDFViewer for .NET supports kinds of PDF fonts, including TrueType, Type0, Type1, Type3, OpenType and CJK font. It also support hyperlinks, DeviceN color space and JPEG2000, DCT, CCITT Fax Image format in PDF. Print Spire.PDFViewer enables developers to print PDF document and supports page setup before printing, such as margins, page orientation, page size etc. Also, developers can choose specified one page, current page, mulitple pages or all pages to print. PDF to Image Spire.PDFViewer for .NET enables developers to save PDF pages(specified one, current page, mulitple pages, all pages) to image formats(.bmp, .png, .jpeg).

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <title>Spire.PDFViewer for .NET</title>
    <description>Spire.PDFViewer is an easy-to-use and reliable .NET PDF Viewer component. With Spire.PDFViewer, developers can create any WinForms application to open, view and print PDF document in C# and Visual Basic on .NET(2.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.0 ClientProfile). 

Open and View

Spire.PDFViewer for .NET can open and view PDF/A-1B, PDF/X1A and even encrypted document. 

When viewing, developers can view with zoom in/out, page up/down, moving to the first/last page or fitting page/width. Also, hand tool is available.


Spire.PDFViewer for .NET supports kinds of PDF fonts, including TrueType, Type0, Type1, Type3, OpenType and CJK font. It also support hyperlinks, DeviceN color space and JPEG2000, DCT, CCITT Fax Image format in PDF.


Spire.PDFViewer enables developers to print PDF document and supports page setup before printing, such as margins, page orientation, page size etc. Also, developers can choose specified one page, current page, mulitple pages or all pages to print.

PDF to Image

Spire.PDFViewer for .NET enables developers to save PDF pages(specified one, current page, mulitple pages, all pages) to image formats(.bmp, .png, .jpeg).</description>
    <summary>Spire.PDFViewer is a professional .NET PDF Viewer component. It enables developers to open, view and print PDF document in C# and Visual Basic.</summary>
    <releaseNotes>Spire.PDFViewer 2.12.19
Supports to set the background color of the viewer control and it can be achieved by changing the value of the ViewerBackgroundColor property in the Properties dialog box of the control.

Spire.PDFViewer 2.12.16
Fixes the issue that solid color changed to gradients color when viewing PDF document.

Spire.PDFViewer 2.11
Fixes the issue where the content was cut off.
Fixes the issue that caused the checked checkbox not show.
Resolves the issue that caused extra bad characters (idotlessi:hungarumlautz).
Fixes the issue that caused the document unclear when the PDF document has large numbers of columns (over 100 columns) in a grid.
Fixes the issue where part contents of header was not displayed when the PDF document has large numbers of columns (over 100 columns) in a grid.
Fixes the issue where the image was lost.

Spire.PDFViewer 2.8
Fixes the issue where the barcode faded.
Fixes the issue where the PDF document can't be loaded.
Fixes the issue where the comment in PDF displayed incorrectly.

Spire.PDFViewer 2.7.4

Fixes the issue where the page lost when print document.
Fixes the issue that caused the save button disable when load a document in code via PDFViewer.
Fixes the issue where the position of the page is incorrect when display a document in PDFDocumentViewer.

Spire.PDFViewer 2.6.83
Fixes the issue that caused the hidden text visible.
Resolves the issue that caused the content invisible.
Fixes the issue where the PDF document displayed incorrectly in invariant language environment.

Spire.PDFViewer 2.4.50
Fixes the issue that caused contents of some PDF documents to garble.

Spire.PDFViewer 2.4.44
Improve the performance that it took long time to open PDF document in silverlight.
Fixes the issue where the PDF document can't be displayed in the PDFViewer in silverlight.

Spire.PDFViewer 2.3.23
Fix the issue that all characters were merged when viewing PDF in WPF.
Fix the issue that content was disappeared when view PDF in winform.

Spire.PDFViewer 2.2.6
New features:
Starts to support viewing PDF with gradient images.
Add a new feature to print the actual size of the content.

Bug solutions:
Fix the issue that some characters are missing when viewing PDF.
Fix the below issues in converting pdf to images:
- The data in graph is missing. 
- The arrow position is wrong.
- The dotted line in graph turned into solid line.</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright © 2017 e-iceblue. All Rights Reserved.</copyright>
    <tags>.NET View PDF, C# VB.NET PDF</tags>
      <frameworkAssembly assemblyName="Spire.PdfViewer.Forms" targetFramework=".NETFramework2.0, .NETFramework3.5, .NETFramework4.0, .NETFramework4.0-Client" />