SpeedyMailer.Mongol by David Mazvovsky

<PackageReference Include="SpeedyMailer.Mongol" Version="0.15.1" />

 SpeedyMailer.Mongol 0.15.1

Mongol is a wrapper for the MongoDB Official C# Driver which makes it very easy to create repository pattern classes around strongly typed collections for POCO objects. Mongol also includes lambda-based property name resolution for building MongoDB Query/Update operations without magic strings.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <title>Mongol updated (unofficial)</title>
    <authors>David Mazvovsky</authors>
    <owners>David Mazvovsky</owners>
    <description>Mongol is a wrapper for the MongoDB Official C# Driver which makes it very easy to create repository pattern classes around strongly typed collections for POCO objects.  
    Mongol also includes lambda-based property name resolution for building MongoDB Query/Update operations without magic strings.</description>
    1. Install Nuget Package
    2. Set Mongol.Url appSetting with mongodb:// url
    3. Create POCO classes, and mark with [BsonId]
    4. Use instances of RecordManager&lt;TClass&gt; to perform basic repository operations.
		Extend RecordManager&lt;TClass&gt; to encapsulate operations for Query/Update using inherited methods, or to directly access the collection.</summary>
    <copyright>Copyright 2012</copyright>
    <tags>mongo mongodb repository document-oriented nosql recordmanager record</tags>
      <dependency id="Common.Logging" version="2.1.1" />
      <dependency id="mongocsharpdriver" version="1.6" />