SharpZipLib by ICSharpCode

<PackageReference Include="SharpZipLib" Version="1.4.0" />


Namespace with 19 public types


 DirectoryEventArgs Event arguments for directories.
 ExtendedPathFilter ExtendedPathFilter filters based on name, file size, and the last write time of the file.
 FileSystemScanner FileSystemScanner provides facilities scanning of files and directories.
 InvalidNameException InvalidNameException is thrown for invalid names such as directory traversal paths and names with invalid characters
 NameAndSizeFilter NameAndSizeFilter filters based on name and file size.
 NameFilter NameFilter is a string matching class which allows for both positive and negative matching. A filter is a sequence of independant regular expressions separated by semi-colons ';'. To include a semi-colon it may be quoted as in \;. Each expression can be prefixed by a plus '+' sign or a minus '-' sign to denote the expression is intended to include or exclude names. If neither a plus or minus sign is found include is the default. A given name is tested for inclusion before checking exclusions. Only names matching an include spec and not matching an exclude spec are deemed to match the filter. An empty filter matches any name.
 PathFilter PathFilter filters directories and files using a form of regular expressions by full path name. See NameFilter for more detail on filtering.
 ProgressEventArgs Event arguments during processing of a single file or directory.
 ScanEventArgs Event arguments for scanning.
 ScanFailureEventArgs Arguments passed when scan failures are detected.

 Static Classes

 PathUtils PathUtils provides simple utilities for handling paths.
 StreamUtils Provides simple " utilities.


 INameTransform INameTransform defines how file system names are transformed for use with archives, or vice versa.
 IScanFilter Scanning filters support filtering of names.