SharpDX.Direct3D9 by Alexandre Mutel

<PackageReference Include="SharpDX.Direct3D9" Version="3.0.0-rc017" />

.NET API 349,184 bytes


The RenderToEnvironmentMap interface is used to generalize the process of rendering to environment maps.

Retrieves the description of the render surface.

public Device Device { get; }

Retrieves the Direct3D device associated with the environment map.

public RenderToEnvironmentMap(IntPtr nativePtr)

Initializes a new instance of the RenderToEnvironmentMap class.

public static RenderToEnvironmentMap op_Explicit(IntPtr nativePointer)

Performs an explicit conversion from IntPtr to RenderToEnvironmentMap. (This method is a shortcut to NativePointer)

public void BeginCube(CubeTexture cubeTexRef)

Initiate the rendering of a cubic environment map.

public void BeginHemisphere(Texture texZPosRef, Texture texZNegRef)

Initiate the rendering of a hemispheric environment map.

public void BeginParabolic(Texture texZPosRef, Texture texZNegRef)

Initiate the rendering of a parabolic environment map.

public void BeginSphere(Texture texRef)

Initiate the rendering of a spherical environment map.

public void End(int mipFilter)

Restore all render targets and, if needed, compose all the rendered faces into the environment map surface.

public void Face(CubeMapFace face, int mipFilter)

Initiate the drawing of each face of an environment map.

public void OnLostDevice()

Use this method to release all references to video memory resources and delete all stateblocks. This method should be called whenever a device is lost, or before resetting a device.

public void OnResetDevice()

Use this method to re-acquire resources and save initial state.