Shaolinq.Sqlite by Thong Nguyen

<PackageReference Include="Shaolinq.Sqlite" Version="" />


Shaolinq is a thoughtfully designed ORM and Linq provider for .NET Use this package to add Shaolinq and out-of-the-box Sqlite support. Designed to perform super fast and be easy to use, Shaolinq's features also include: - First class schema-first ORM with WYSIWYG data access and minipulation. - First class LINQ support (not the basic kind you see in most other OSS projects). - Single trip updating of objects. - Support for Sqlite, MySql and Postgres. - Automatic database creation and schema migration. - Delete LINQ extension for batch server side deletes. - Full support for server side date functions (Date.DayOfWeek etc). - Easily extensible with a simple interface for adding support for other ADO.NET compatible databases. - Open Source!

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Shaolinq ORM and Linq provider for Sqlite</title>
    <authors>Thong Nguyen</authors>
    <owners>Thong Nguyen</owners>
    <description>Shaolinq is a thoughtfully designed ORM and Linq provider for .NET
Use this package to add Shaolinq and out-of-the-box Sqlite support.
Designed to perform super fast and be easy to use, Shaolinq's features also include:
- First class schema-first ORM with WYSIWYG data access and minipulation.
- First class LINQ support (not the basic kind you see in most other OSS projects).
- Single trip updating of objects.
- Support for Sqlite, MySql and Postgres.
- Automatic database creation and schema migration.
- Delete LINQ extension for batch server side deletes.
- Full support for server side date functions (Date.DayOfWeek etc).
- Easily extensible with a simple interface for adding support for other ADO.NET compatible databases.
- Open Source!</description>
    <summary>A thoughtful ORM and Linq provider for .NET and Sqlite</summary>
    <releaseNotes>- Fixed sometimes queries failing if referencing a primary key on a DAO property
- Fixed Any function sometimes not working
Previous Versions:
- Allow DAO types to be defined in other assemblies
- SQL server provider now always disables enlistment
- Switch to using ConfigurationManager for configs
- Added TransactionScopeFactory
- Removed dependency on EF
- Support for ConnectionString rather than pure object or XML configuration
- Added Azure friendly DeleteDatabaseDropsTablesOnly option for SqlServer
- Added Azure friendly DisabledForeignKeyContext
- Support OrderBy in sub-queries on SQL server
- Support for projecting IGrouping when aggregates are both used and not used.
- Added support for Queryable.Any
- Simplified ObjectState logic
- Fixed bug to do with OrderBy and GroupBy in the same query
- Fixed GroupBy aggregate bug
- Better support for booleans and decimals in SQL Server
- Fixed setting null on deflated object properties doesn't the commit update to the DB.
- Fixed some sometimes unnecessary UPDATE statements executed following INSERT.
- Fixed left/right joins using DefaultIfEmpty ignored/swallowed in Mono.
- Fixed implicit joins in selects sometimes not working when working with explicit Linq joins.
- Native TimeSpan (interval) support for Postgres providers.
- Fixed negate (-ve) operation not support in Sql92QueryFormatter
- Fixed nullable enums on Postgres
- Added DateTime.Add method support.
- Fixed comparing DAOs and DAO properties to null sometimes not working.
- Improved Include() support. Can now include off DAOs that are on projected anonymous types.
- Added base non-generic DataAccessObject class.
- Added ObjectAlreadyExistsException for more specific UniqueConstraintException cases.
- OrderBy and GroupBy now support properties that are are defined on related objects (joins are made automatically/implicitly)
- Better unified cross-provider exceptions for failed unique constraints and when setting related objects that are missing or undefined objects
- Fixed implicit join in Where lost when a Select follow.
- Sqlite provider now converts composite primary keys with more than one auto-increment to a single primary key with a unique constraint across all the composites.
- DataAccessObjects now has GetReference
- DataAccessObjects GetByPrimaryKey and GetManyByPrimaryKey now support composite and complex primary keys
- Support for Include() inside select and on IQueryable.
- Support for Include() when selecting related objects on objects.
- Improved composite GetByPrimaryKey support in DataAccessObjects collections.
- Support recursive Include()
- Support implicit (recursive) joins when predicating or selecting on related objects
- Composite primary keys made up of objects are now supported.
- Improved performance
- Fixed non-aggregate  count. Now uses EXISTS where possible</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Thong Nguyen ([email protected])</copyright>
    <tags>linq provider orm sqlite sql database</tags>
      <dependency id="Shaolinq" version="" />
      <dependency id="System.Data.SQLite.Core" />