Selenium.WebDriver by Selenium Committers

<PackageReference Include="Selenium.WebDriver" Version="4.14.1" />

.NET API 4,276,224 bytes


Namespace with 21 public types


 BufferUsageEventArgs BufferUsage
 DataCollectedEventArgs Contains a bucket of collected trace events. When tracing is stopped collected events will be sent as a sequence of dataCollected events followed by tracingComplete event.
 EndCommandResponse Response for Stop trace events collection.
 EndCommandSettings Stop trace events collection.
 GetCategoriesCommandResponse Response for Gets supported tracing categories.
 GetCategoriesCommandSettings Gets supported tracing categories.
 MemoryDumpConfig Configuration for memory dump. Used only when "memory-infra" category is enabled.
 RecordClockSyncMarkerCommandResponse Response for Record a clock sync marker in the trace.
 RecordClockSyncMarkerCommandSettings Record a clock sync marker in the trace.
 RequestMemoryDumpCommandResponse Response for Request a global memory dump.
 RequestMemoryDumpCommandSettings Request a global memory dump.
 StartCommandResponse Response for Start trace events collection.
 StartCommandSettings Start trace events collection.
 TraceConfig TraceConfig
 TracingAdapter Represents an adapter for the Tracing domain to simplify the command interface.
 TracingCompleteEventArgs Signals that tracing is stopped and there is no trace buffers pending flush, all data were delivered via dataCollected events.


 MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail Details exposed when memory request explicitly declared. Keep consistent with memory_dump_request_args.h and memory_instrumentation.mojom
 StreamCompression Compression type to use for traces returned via streams.
 StreamFormat Data format of a trace. Can be either the legacy JSON format or the protocol buffer format. Note that the JSON format will be deprecated soon.
 TraceConfigRecordModeValues Enumerated values for Tracing.TraceConfig.recordMode
 TracingBackend Backend type to use for tracing. `chrome` uses the Chrome-integrated tracing service and is supported on all platforms. `system` is only supported on Chrome OS and uses the Perfetto system tracing service. `auto` chooses `system` when the perfettoConfig provided to Tracing.start specifies at least one non-Chrome data source; otherwise uses `chrome`.