SadConsole by SadLogic

<PackageReference Include="SadConsole" Version="6.4.9" />


public static class Global
public static IScreen CurrentScreen

The active screen processed by the game.

public static List<IDrawCall> DrawCalls

Draw calls to render to RenderOutput.

The stack of consoles that will receive keyboard and mouse input.

public static Font FontDefault

The default font for any type that does not provide a font.

public static double GameTimeElapsedRender

The elapsed time from the render call. The value is from GameTimeRender.

public static double GameTimeElapsedUpdate

The elapsed time from the update call. The value is from GameTimeUpdate.

public static GameTime GameTimeRender

The GameTime object from the render pass.

public static GameTime GameTimeUpdate

The GameTime object from the update pass.

public static GraphicsDevice GraphicsDevice

The MonoGame graphics device.

public static GraphicsDeviceManager GraphicsDeviceManager

The MonoGame graphics device manager.

public static Keyboard KeyboardState

Keyboard state which is usually updated in the update pass.

public static Mouse MouseState

Mouse state which is usually updated in the update pass.

public static Random Random

A global random number generator.

public static RenderTarget2D RenderOutput

The render target of SadConsole. This is generally rendered to the screen as the final step of drawing.

public static SpriteBatch SpriteBatch

A global reusable sprite batch.

public static Dictionary<string, FontMaster> Fonts { get; }

Collection of fonts. Used mainly by the deserialization system.

public static int RenderHeight { get; set; }

The height of the area to render on the game window.

public static Rectangle RenderRect { get; set; }

Where on the screen the engine will be rendered.

public static Vector2 RenderScale { get; set; }

If the RenderRect is stretched, this is the ratio difference between unstretched.

public static int RenderWidth { get; set; }

The width of the area to render on the game window.

public static int WindowHeight { get; set; }

The current game window height.

public static int WindowWidth { get; set; }

The current game window width.

public static FontMaster LoadFont(string font)

Loads a font from a file and adds it to the Fonts collection.

public static void ResetRendering()

Resets the RenderOutput target and determines the appropriate RenderRect and RenderScale based on the window or fullscreen state.