SSOLib by Rasmus

<PackageReference Include="SSOLib" Version="1.0.2" />

 SSOLib 1.0.2

Any page in need of authorization must inherit from either SSOLib.PrivatePage (for Web Forms) or from SSOLib.PrivateController (for MVC). Typically you will let your BasePage inherit from PrivatePage (or PrivateController).

<package xmlns="">
    <owners>Favourite Design</owners>
    <description>Any page in need of authorization must inherit from either SSOLib.PrivatePage (for Web Forms) or from SSOLib.PrivateController (for MVC). Typically you will let your BasePage inherit from PrivatePage (or PrivateController).</description>
    <summary>SSOLib is a library that interfaces with Favourite Design Single Sign On server.</summary>